His dad Charles the Republican US senator from New York stood up to Nixon. He opposed the Vietnam war and favored impeachment. You figure he would have learned something from his pop. Roger the son can’t even challenge NFL owners.
His dad Charles the Republican US senator from New York stood up to Nixon. He opposed the Vietnam war and favored impeachment. You figure he would have learned something from his pop. Roger the son can’t even challenge NFL owners.
If Michelle Obama came up with the term Be Best wing nuts would accuse her of trying to inflict Kenyan Ebonics on the nations youth.
And she wanted Putin to be our president.
Plural, it’s president.
I’m employed as a transit planner in a major city for a metropolitan planning organization. The previous two transportation secretaries under Obama, always took an interest in our work, implementing the transportation bill and the recovery act. They even set aside time, however difficult due to events to attend our…
I once considered a nice 10 year old Mark VII LSC with the simulated convertible. Being a Ford fan I liked the Fox body 5.0 with nice room comforts and handling. I could not get over the fake vert so I went for a 95 Thunderbird LX with the 4.6 which I still own.
In many cities more sanitation workers are injured or killed than police officers. This legislation is a solution in search of a problem.
Which word? Yeoman?
May he also have a mean, nasty health care aide.
How many times has he threatened or beaten people since his acquittal? Doesn’t Florida have a persistent offender statute?
As a New Yorker I can attest that Schneiderman’s office has always done yeoman work not only on Trump University but prosecuting municipal corruption, protecting consumers and monitoring Superstorm Sandy recovery aid.
Preet Bharara would be an excellent replacement.
California and France have larger economies. Obama once opined “What does Russia produce?””Do they innovate?” Or McCains comment about being a giant gas station.
MSRP of the SS was around $46k. The RST Suburban will go for in the $70k range.
Trump is on stage acting out like a bad mime with his tiny hands an act of the mass killing of 130 people at the Bataclan in Paris yet no mention of the Las Vegas mass shooting which was the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
So few people wanted the SS sedan with the 6.2 but enough will buy the SS Canyonero?
Coal and burlap. What would the Bamboozled version be? Sleep n eat
The convertible Paseo was built by ASC. Toyota sent the roofless bodies to them for finishing.
Before the campaign Melania showed up on The View and defended Birtherism.
“Veh is dah birth certificate”
Thankfully the panelists challenged her.
Additionally Julie Iofee, who was at GQ at the time wrote a fairly rote profile about her and her Slovenian family. Soon after Iofee was attacked by both Trumps and had anti…
I see plenty of them for sale that are quite inexpensive. Probably not a bad winter beater.
I know people who had great experiences with their XJ Cherokees. Getting 200-300k miles out of them with few issues. Once the Liberty came out they were unenthusiastic and moved to other vehicles even Subarus.