
We have this former cop aka Golden State killer as well as a few others to thank for the rise in helicopter parenting.
Ah, missing the calm playful “Seasons in the sun” 1970's.

Jersey City has residential parking permits and they work quite well. They keep people from the surrounding areas from parking to transfer to the PATH or HBLR.

Or they found the Liberty to be subpar that the JK was a vast improvement.

There was also the Vega Panel Express.

I knew someone who owned one loaded with AWD when his family grew and he loved it. He would remind me. “It’s not a minivan, it’s an SUV”

Just wait there will be the great sedan, hatch and coupe nostalgia era starting in 2020. Automakers with use a few of their CUV platforms for a line or two of automobiles. The next generation Explorer is going to built on a RWD platform that is flexible enough for a mid and full sized Ford and Lincoln.

Kayne’s mom was English professor. You figure she would have taught him about context and nuance as well as some American history. Ms. Owens who considers herself to be an activist also ought to be versed in history.
Black Republicans like Senator Ed Brooke, Colin Powell and H.W Bush era HHS secretary Louis Sullivan

Hannity grew to in Franklin Square Long Island where he and his family benefited from FHA loans as well as the New Deal projects and Robert Moses’ parkways and parks. All the programs that were created so Hannity and his neighbors could enjoy a decent existence and be insulated from as FDR called it “ the vicissitudes

Hannity grew to in Franklin Square Long Island where he and his family benefited from FHA loans as well as the New Deal projects and Robert Moses’ parkways and parks. Yes that big government that he loves to rail against.

Whatever happened to one wurst different lengths? The only long wheelbase Benz ought to be the S-class and Maybach. Or the 7-series.

Earl Butz was the Nixon era agriculture secretary who was tossed out for telling a racist joke. Trump is him on a daily basis.

NP-The later Fiat and Bertone models up to 1988 were of better quality. Far less prone to rust and the fuel injection was reliable. I had a coworker with a late 70's version with bad syncros. Apparently the gearbox is a weak point on all of them.

So much winning and I’m not tired yet.

Last week at the Cosby trial a topless woman stormed the courthouse steps with the names of Cosby’s alleged victims scrawled in marker on her body.
This administration and its media enablers is getting to the point where you can imagine a woman doing the same performance art in

Many people also referred to them as toilet seats.

I see a lot of Ford Focus sedan in the styling which is quite attractive. Nonetheless a GLI version with the 2.0 would be worthwhile.

Back in 1976 a high school friend of mine picked up a 1971 Renault R10 for a mere $75.00. He got it running, put a cassette deck under the dash and speakers on the rear shelf. Often he would brag about how comfortable and Mercedes like the front seats were. He go the rest of high school out of it until in Renault

More like Land Cruiser UN peacekeepers or NGO version.

A friend of mine had a 87 Camaro with the 305 automatic that he bought new. Base sport coupe with rally wheels. It served him well for over 100k with few issues.

Fox used to have on this Jesse Peterson character who seemed out of Bamboozled just with more hate self loathing.

Imagine a woman doing the same thing in front of Fox corporate with the names of all of the victims of O’Reilly, Ailes etc.