
Mercedes Benz referred to that shade of brown as Tobacco Brown. Very elegant on 70's-80's MB.

Hey they did offer the SSR from 2003-06 with the same powertrain, a retractable top and a pickup bed with lid.

One day I was at a shop having a repair taken care of. In the next bay was a 3rd generation Camaro with the Iron Duke, base model, 4 speed, dog dish caps its hood up. You could see there was so much space under there it cried out for a Turbo or supercharger with room to spare. Even today with the 2.0-4 it would be a

That was always a theory since they were the last team to sign a Black player.

The styling particularly the headlamps look very Volvo like. A premium compact. Which make some sense since the previous Volvo C30 was based on the European Focus.

Hannity can’t seem to figure out what satire is. Additionally the co-host of the Man Show was Adam Corolla whose politics tend to be conservative. He would occasionally show up on O’Reilly of all places to opine on things. The latest developments in the war on Christmas etc.

Another interesting fact: The center of the dashboard extends into the passenger compartment a few inches in order to accommodate the straight 6.

I see a lot of the Sunbeam Alpine Harrington in the styling

Compare to the rare Ford Escort ZX2 S/R

As long as his ex Claudine Longet was not near the slopes.

You don’t see the Germans commerating Nazi heritage month.

And where was Trump on April 4th 1968? Suffering from bone spurs during his third or fourth deferment while him and his dad weren’t so keen on renting apartments to black and brown persons.

Someone ought to remind him of the title of his book.

I’ve been a Corvair fan since I was a kid. My grandparents owned a 62 Monza 4 door manual in brown. They also owned a 65 4 door 500 series in blue also a manual. A friend of my dads owned a 64 Monza coupe in yellow with a automatic. I had a friend who restored a 65 Corsa convertible in gold with a 4 speed. Another had

Hopefully it’s only the Subaru that has the STI.

Or they could have brought it here was a rebadged Mercury.

CARB was passed under a Republican governor in 1967. One of the reasons was because the air quality in Southern California became quite unhealthy.

I always wondered about the flare that Sheriff Clarke wears. Did he earn some of them from the battle of Laverne and Shirley in downtown Milwaukee?

Yes he was a pretty decent fellow and a Navy vet to boot. The amusing thing you know many conservatives like my relative flipped out over what was going on at campuses in the 60's. But having a old Goldwater Republican outraged by the antics of Ingraham and company takes the cake.

I bet he’d also like to bring back the 3/5 clause as well.