
In the 80’s Ingraham and her fellow enfant terribles like Dinesh D’Souza and David Brock (His politics have changed since. “His book Blinded by the right” is his apology) at Dartmouth would engage in really abhorrent behavior on campus. Trolling and harassing anti apartheid activists, outing and ostracizing gays as

For years conservatives like Ingraham and many Republicans would lecture the public and make a key part of campaigns how it was “activist judges” liberals and Democrats in general who did not care about crime victims were soft on crime and accused judges of being pro-criminal. Ed Meese once referred to the ACLU as

The 98-2004 Escort ZX2 has you beat. The rare S/R street racer is the one to get.

I came close to buying a 92 Trofeo a few years ago but it had an electrical gremlin in the fuse and electrical junction block under the hood. Though I still desire one.

Knobs on sound systems: good

The previous Jeep Compass had a large hood to fender gap. Though considering how subpar a vehicle it was it’s probably a feature not a flaw.

Last summer I rented a Chevrolet Malibu it was far above a Altima.

This isn’t nothing

Of course we’ll have to hear the constant refrain of resentment by the usual suspects shouting “redistribution” and “free stuff!

More like Patrick Bateman with far less class.

The ghosts of the Birmingham church victims, Medgar Evers, Viola Liuzzo and Goodman, Schwerner and Cheney beg to differ. Unable to ensure justice at a local level the federal government had to intervene using the post Civil War statutes.

It’s always seems to be the small heater hoses that people forget about. Most everyone inspects the radiator hoses because they are hard to avoid. Also on some vehicles the water pump bypass hose can be tucked away and neglected.

NP just for parting out and swapping into a Fox body Mustang or Thunderbird.

More like “no puppet!”

Democratic slogan for 2018 and 2020. “He’s fighting with a adult film star and threatening her but won’t fight for you or your family”

One day I was on the NYC subway and saw an orthodox Jewish man immersed in the Dan Savage column in the Village Voice. I was quite bemused.

Says the man who has pushed and passed legislation that mandates abstinence education. Frothy mix of stupid indeed.

Police injuries and deaths barely reach the Top 20 of the most dangerous professions. The most dangerous are deep sea fisherman and utilities lineman.

A man who was partly responsible for one of the most catastrophic foreign policy decisions in history replacing a well respected and honorable general. Heck Bolton would invade the Bahamas and Antarctica if he could.

I reside in an area where a good number of young people served in Iraq and some came home in body bags

He has also said a lot of nasty stuff about rural whites. Called them lazy etc.