
I’m employed as a mid level analyst in a government agency. Just before every election season we get a notice reminding us about the Hatch Act. It’s simple, no campaigning or promoting a candidate on the job. Not even a sign or button on your desk.
You figure a lawyer and counselor to the president would know this.

It would be great if the factory was still operating building Vipers or another low volume niche model. However museums and the arts in general are good economic drivers for a community. Every dollar spent on arts and culture generate $3 in economic activity.

I’m renting a ATS from Hertz this weekend on vacation. Chances are it’s the 2.0T. I’ll see how it is compared to other sport sedans like a 3-series, C-Class or A3 or A4.

Mopar might as well bring back their mid-50's through 1964 push button Torqueflight selector. They seemed to work fine but they went back to the lever style.

There. That’s the car. It watches me. Every day I pray that Austin with its Lucas electrics and fine British Leyland craftsmanship starts and runs. Something must be done.

Which leads one to think what would a Republic of Florida be like?

The First Lady ought to start with her own Twitter followers. In 2016 when they barraged the GQ journalist Julie Iofee with anti Semitic invective it was dismissed by the Trumps as getting what she deserved.

I have relatives who live in the region. Hazleton was a dying town to the point where it was a no mans land and quite dangerous. Since the Latinx influx its cleaner, safer and has new businesses. Like any changing community it has its challenges. As far as the former mayor Barletta is concerned his name ends in a

Nope. The Geo Prism was based on the Corolla. The Cavalier was based on the J-platform. Sunbird, Firenza, Skyhawk and of course the Cimmaron.

Cadillac Cien mid-engine super car.

Then he would blame others and neglect recognizing and paying them.

How about making Appalachia more attractive for retirees? Instead of people retiring to Florida or Arizona residing in a small or mid sized town or city where real estate prices are reasonable and there are amenities like rural broadband and bus service. As long as excessive mountain top mining and reduced regulations

Usually the case with bully’s. Once you confront them they’ll whimper and you can see how weak they really are.

I’m a New Yorker so I’m familiar with Lupica’s mediocrity. However Mushnick over at the Post can really be loathsome.  

Wake me when the headline reads “Mississippi passes law expanding access to health care”.

I’ve always thought of them as the continuation of a bad 80's drama. Dallas or Dynasty just with more tackiness.

Apparently she was quite concerned about his social media habits. There must be some morsel of conscience in her head where she was bothered by his conspiracy mongering, Pepe the frog loving self. Since Jr. is also up to his neck in the scandal maybe Mueller will subpoena her devices. “But her emails!”  

In 92 and 93 there was a base below the Laredo model. It had a painted grill and lacked the ribbed lower molding just a black rub strip along the side.

What happened to the Ford Raptor truck that Suge drove and was involved in a incident at a fast food joint?

When he won the Heisman in 1968 he was asked about his views on the issues of the day, in that year they were obviously contentious. He said “I’m just in it for OJ.” Smith and Carlos he certainly wasn’t.