“Too bad large commodity manufacturers likely can’t hear anyone over the sound of CUVs printing money”
“Too bad large commodity manufacturers likely can’t hear anyone over the sound of CUVs printing money”
US auto policies don’t go that high, you’d need a separate umbrella policy to cover losses above $500k. This plan includes more insurance than most Americans probably purchase.
$250k/$500k is not nearly enough coverage in the ultra litigious US with the worlds most expensive healthcare system.
If you think the Focus’ interior feels cheap, then what adjective would you use to describe the objectively cheaper/worse interior of the STI?
You see the Wrangler thing I get...there is not another car that is a Wrangler. There are plenty of good pickups that are also reliable that are not Tacomas
Good for FCA for trying to crack down on these terrible dealership practices. Porsche could learn a thing or two.
I don’t normally toot my own horn, but this was one of my better comments before I hit the big time.
The 2017 Buick Regal will actually be sold as either a hatchback sedan or as a wagon. GM was serious. It’s…
I love this series but it’d be nice if you guys had more photos to show how the front seats look with baby seats in the back especially. Cars.com is great at this but maybe you guys aren’t trying to really compete with them at all: https://www.cars.com/articles/2016-fiat-500x-car-seat-check-1420682641982/
Why write it? Because far too many outlets are just giving Alfa a pass on sub-par quality control “Because Alfa” when in fact very few of the auto-journos that actually buy new cars will plop down their hard earned cash for a new Alfa. Meanwhile, real consumers, with real money to spend, who are interested in the…
It’s important to note that the laws under which the Uber lawsuit was filed meant a settlement or judgement would never have been about paying the drivers.
1st Gear : WTF!?!
That’s Camaro V6 with manual territory
I like it but it is so expensive for what It is.
OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.