Maybe. But the news of this “Bronco” is coming from the union, which only wants it to keep Michigan Assembly open. Which has to churn out a shitload of vehicles... so they can’t be messing with some experimental low-volume performance vehicle.
Maybe. But the news of this “Bronco” is coming from the union, which only wants it to keep Michigan Assembly open. Which has to churn out a shitload of vehicles... so they can’t be messing with some experimental low-volume performance vehicle.
No way they’re using cut threads, that’s a vastly inferior method to rolled threadforms. The fatigue strength is not nearly the same. I’m also surprised they’d take the head to body strength hit by going with a machined fastener in general.
/Fastener Engineer.
One of these days you’re going to have to admit that daily driving a vehicle with solid axles sucks.
The majority of Subarus are CVT-equipped, which gives them the electronically-controlled, FWD-biased, clutch-based system. It might be better than most Haldex systems, but it's not much different.
Funny, the only automaker that gave me and my friends the time of day was Honda, and that was only due to participation in FSAE. The rest of the automakers never got back to us, likely because we didn’t got to a school that have internship programs with the automakers. If they want more talent, they should recruit…
I like it,I think it looks better than the GLA too, (that car class fits Infiniti more than Mercedes imo). Sue me.
1st Gear: This demonstrates the fundamental problem with CAFE. Forcing the manufacturers to make small, fuel efficient cars doesn’t change what people want to buy. To quote Bob Lutz, “reducing fuel consumption by forcing automakers to sell smaller and more frugal vehicles is like fighting the nation’s obesity epidemic…
Truth. It’s almost unsettling.
I’m so happy that “Will it Baby?” is back!
Fatherhood offers the opportunity to no longer feel compelled to be cool or fashionable. My Brooklyn neighborhood…
I honestly really like that car. But I like about $45000 of it.
Economy of scale. GM can bury a lot of costs into the price of other products and/or already established factories, and also potentially share components between other models. Tesla doesn’t have quite that same luxury.
Are they just repeating the CX-7 Which was deemed a failure by Mazda?
Lol the real world huh? For one the RS is not replacing the Evo, because that doesnt even make sense. It will compete with the Evo and STi.
I'd be willing to bet 99.99973% of people that buy this car won't be able to use half of the power it comes with from the factory without driving it into a tree. If you need a stronger drivetrain to satiate your ego, more power to you, but that's not something engineers should worry themselves with.
We now live in a world where a sub 5 second 0-60 time, and 350hp/350lb-ft are not enough.
Truly the Ken Block bromobile of our time.
Because the Focus sedan looks like it fell off the ugly tree into the Ugly River and down the ugly waterfall into Lake Ugly where it decayed for thousands of years into ugly rust which then became ugly dirt which was then trawled up and put on the side of the road where an ugly seed then sprouted another tremendously…