
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.

Worth it!

Came for the Haisley reference.

Every soccer writer knows that’s a bicycle kick.

The thing is, this isn’t really about going “year-to-year”. Maybe Bauer would do that, but most players would still want to sign longer contracts.

This whole ‘not answering his phone’ thing has to be made up. So what if the GM doesn’t answer his phone, there is an Assistant GM and lots of other front office folks he could have spoken with. Did they also not answer their phones? Were they not available too? It’s not like Magic Johnson made Demps’ aides disappear.

Like so many things the club has helped innovate over the last decade (the false 9, crowding referees to get better calls, selling out to Qatar)

We miss you Drew. We all want you to get better. NO ONE DENIES THIS.

I’m not really interested in being lectured about fiscal responsibility by the guy who gave massive contracts to both Brock Osweiler and Case Keenum.

Tannehill should have been listed as “limited.”

I made this claim in my law office last year as well. Management, god bless them, claimed that if I truly wanted to air a grievance perhaps I should join the local hockey league. Not being one to back down from a challenge, of course I did. Immediately in our first practice I removed my skates and my helmet and threw

Thanks Beth, your article serves as journalistic lodestar to the rest of this nation.

Hey Peterman. This chick look like Ann to you?”

“It ain’t me, it ain’t me. I ain’t no military son, son.” - fortunate Son

No, he’s completely lost it. Outside of the press conference he kept claiming that the “green zone” is the greatest thing to happen to the world sports since FIFA decided to move the World Cup to November.

A Michigan State fan looking the other way as a young athlete is abused?  Not exactly breaking news.

Spending a week off to wander around Jacksonville seems a little harsh. 

+1 Amer-i-ca!

Making jokes about white people isn’t the same as making racist jokes about black people, or Asian people, or Jews, or gay people, or any other historically oppressed minority. This is a very simple principle, but one that many aggrieved whites find difficult to accept. You can’t say, “well, imagine if you

I used to play bass for Spherical Representation of Depression.