Mr. Crunchy

You may enjoy learning that the couple purchased a used SUV. Savings!

I always wonder about people’s ability to follow these plots vs hitting raid finder over and over b/c this is pretty much exactly where her legion arc was going. I don’t think they’ll garrosh her, but at some point there’s going to be some kind of weird reckoning.

Also I’ll bet five american dollars some of the folks

Sylvanas has always been evil. She was a cruel border commander back in WC3 that basically sacrificed everything for her own pride, and then suffered resurrection as a banshee (back in WC3, before ‘she has to be hot’ model) because Arthas wanted to be a particular dickish asshole in response to her particularly

Shes seriously always been evil, people who think that this is a heel turn have to ignore everything shes done in the last 14 years. 

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

It was stiff competition.

They were just pullin for their team.

The tiling definitely looks like an issue but I’m struggling to give any craps about the fonts. Not what I would have chosen but meh, whatever.

This isn’t the best but “awful” is rather extreme for it.

i read the article. both of them actually now. i saw the manspreading section of the comic and had enough.

im really so far under the weather it’s hard for me to jump onto any of these circles this article is talking about.

im a white dude. i give up my seat if it’s necessary; i dont play any assumption game, i offer my seat. if the want it? great. if they dont? great.
but here’s a call out about how im an awful person and

do you want to give up your seat?


end of article.

I don’t know. A commercial with a Jenner or Kardashian eating Tide might just sell.

Wait, what? People are eating guns now?

Gun manufacturers don’t make laundry detergent.

Just add a label saying: Contains GMO, Gluten and MSG.

Now if only there was an easy way to block the “You have an ad blocker, please white list us!” pop ups. Ironically, the one family of sites that keep bugging me to white list them are the ones whose auto-playing video ads and “look at thisfor five seconds before you can see the site” ads are what finally pushed me to

Speaking of “Annoying Browser Notifications” I find it annoyingly hypocritical that the site that introduced me to ad blockers (and AdBlock Plus in particular) more than a decade ago - Now complains every time I come to the site BECAUSE I’M RUNNING AN AD BLOCKER.

You hate it as much as I do: that little box that appears whenever you visit a news site or blog, asking for permission to bug you with notification boxes for stuff you don’t care about.

We’ve had a word like this in the South for years. Just use “y’all”.

To someone who doesn’t play GTA V and couldn’t care less about the balance of the game... the GIF at the top of the post is HILARIOUS!