Mr. Crunchy

The best way to approach this situation is to uninvite the vegans or do not invite over for dinner at all. Would recommend drinks only but sans water because that used to be a fish’s house.

These things are the bee’s knees here in Europe. I still opt for a regular wallet.

Guy looks like he doesn’t even belong in the photo...and his hand is quite low... looks suspicious to me.

Already been doing this in much of Europe... especially in German airports.

I love how they do business here in Germany. I’ve yet to see one grocery store that even has plastic bags available. They only have reusable bags for purchase. It was hard to get into the habit to bring them with us every time we went to the store (we now have a lot of reusable bags). At clothing stores, if you

I’m a bit late to this party but living and traveling in Europe, I just say “nein” to everyone that approaches me and keep walking. People peddle everything here and it’s worse in countries on the Mediterranean. Check out for lots of tips for traveling to anywhere in Greece. This

Survival of the fittest at its best?

Limpet Charges are my favorite.

Best salad ever is the Horiatiki from Greece. There’s absolutely no leafy greens and it’s simple: cucumbers, tomatoes, onions (I prefer red), bell pepper (again, prefer red), olives, and a chunk of feta on top. Season with salt, pepper, and oregano then drizzle all over with olive oil and I also like a splash of red

Definitely a lot of street boozing here in Germany in many of its cities. As long as you don’t make a scene the Poliezei will leave you alone.

Damn near PERFECT headphones. I’m surprised at the sound quality for a set of Bluetooth headphones. The noise cancellation even works well on C17s and C130s...and this is from personal experience.

Damn near PERFECT headphones. I’m surprised at the sound quality for a set of Bluetooth headphones. The noise

I feel you... being in the Army has shown me only that there are too many long winded e-mail messages. So much for BLUF, eh?

This! haha

Wow! I’m glad to be among so many other Yen haters! This is fantastic because she’s a fiery bitch. Go Triss! #ImWithHer

Just saying but I’m an Officer in the military with a clearance (won’t say which type) but if I used a private email server to conduct official CLASSIFIED business on I would be in cuffs, court-martialed, and sitting in a cell at Fort Leavenworth. I am one of these “normal people."

These two images made my entire life worth it.

So...did you have to move?

Yes! All of this! I can’t remember the last time I didn’t turn down my friends’ offers of going to the movies (especially on big opening nights).

Boil in water, spoon of brown sugar, raisins, and...a tablespoon of peanut butter. That is all.

The Alliance didn’t exist until the second game. The time period the movie is set in is pre-Alliance and the Orcs fought mainly against the humans of Stormwind.