
and someday you may grow out of your judgmental prick stage....or do you internet hero.

my last vehicle was a 99 Ram with windows tinted to just the other side of legal, so I had been in the habit of flipping people off ALL the time...they couldn’t see me I’m in a Fiat 500...its like a tiny aquarium where everyone can see what I’m doing. instead...I just cut through traffic like a hot knife

you use a lot of really don’t have much to say.

Reading is Fundamental...but comprehension is critical. your’s sucks.

I won’t even flip people off any more...thats how people get shot these days.

so...if I understand this...cager gets pissed about lane splitting...things escalate, rider stupidly thumps cager decides that trying to force the bike to crash into his car is a good idea?

Um no...again...I made light of people taking their opinions about The Killing Joke and going off the deep end about it. thats about it.

as neat as that is... it’s going to be useless on anything remotely resembling uneven terrain...and taking it on an escalator is an accident waiting to happen.

  1. 1a : something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twistb (1) : the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2) : an instance of jesting : kidding <can’t take a joke>c : practical joked : laughingstock

Uh-huh...and you enjoy your hypocrisy .

If I was “backing away from criticisim” then why is it I’ve taken the time to respond to same? not agreeing with criticisim isn’t the same as “backing away”.

you’re right NO ONE came in an one say....came into a thread 2 days later and repeated the same critiques repeatedly while adding insults. No one has made broad brush assumptions about other peoples character or intent. oh did. and so did several others.

you are trying white knight someone on an web comments section and, you’ve been condescending and insulting along the way...(which is honestly fair play...I appreciate sarcasm) you’ve attempted to tell me who I am and how to behave based on little to no have an interesting notion of “helping” people

kind of reminds me of some of the things they used to do in “THERE” back in the day.

dude and or dudette I’m having multiple conversations with several people at once in a commentary section that doesn’t display thing in a very linear fashion lets not get all pedantic unless you know what I’m referencing in a specific reply. sure told me...I will go right out and mend my ways, just as soon as some random asshole on the internet comment sections tells me how to think.

humor is subjective.

oh I’m sorry...I don’t really follow “celebrity” pout rage...I guessed I missed the P.C. group think memo about not grabbing the first thumbs up gif in my GIS because I might use an actor that is somehow offensive to thin skinned people.

is there a larger discussion of gender politics going on here? I’m not seeing it. The pure overwrought venom on display in response to one joke in this thread from several people is pretty telling.

so , you’re saying its NOT about “ethics in gaming journalism”?