Guess they didn’t mention the MINI/Smart franchises
These articles have failed to capture one other problem some of their customers are facing.
I love that his shirt blew off and the combo was exactly 100 hits.
I don’t recall ever being told to raise the window shade on an airplane. In fact, I can remember on more than occasion being asked to LOWER the window shade in order to better control the temperature in the cabin.
Spencer did nazi that coming....
I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!
omg, I cant stop laughing and I’m in a quiet hotel lobby all by myself.
People need to stop saying this:
I really adore my 2013 Fiat 500 Abarth cabrio.
Fiat go fast.
I live in Winnipeg and drive an auto(both things I regret). You could drop a marble 1200 miles in any direction and it wouldn’t roll. None more flat. The only guys out here that use them are manuals.
Marcy Long better run for the damn hills before I get home..
Is there a list of the cabinets recovered so we can see what they are?
Good point about the headlamp. Those series I TV 175's were terrible, so it’s probably not one of those. Unless they replaced the motor. They also could have stuck a bigger engine in an Li 150 for the film. They are surprisingly more capable than you think, but, yeah, with two people, a sidecar, and that trailer, it’s…
well yea that’s the point — if one of these two very different industries must require fingerprinting and licensing, then i wouldn’t pick strippers first
Yes, fling bombing is a technique that’s been used for as long as bombs have been dropped from aircraft. The half loop to escape was a unique maneuver for bombers though and was specifically designed for low altitude nuke runs to try and give the crew hope of escape.
holy s**t these look awesome
Maritime JSDF with the theme of Space Battleship Yamato