
“How could Leia use the Force to save herself in The Last Jedi?”

for most fans I don’t think it was that Leia couldn’t be a force wielder...though its use in that film was kind of out of left field... it was more the context of the scene was just dumb as fuck.
because unless she used to force to stop a 100+ ton ship

holy that screenshot of Leia with a saber at the top of the article from “Rise of Skywalker”? jesus...and people dogpiled on the CG Peter Cushing...that shot looks like something out of a video game.

is the assumption that everyone reads Japanese now?

“she’s literally swinging between lightning bolts. What else can you even say about that? It’s rad.”

yeah...I love it when they just pile on ridiculously stupid powers onto well developed characters. It in no way makes this look like WonderWoman is cribbing her power set from Pecos fucking Bill.

DREDD...while a great movie, and a wonderful adapation of a Comic ...IS NOT A SUPERHERO MOVIE. Judge Dredd is not a “SuperHero”.
KickAss is “American Pie” with spandex and child endangerment...beyond that it’s a garbage story.
Ignore Incredibles 2? really?
Also Shazam is arguably way better than WonderWoman as a film, was FOX that did that to The Simpsons...when they converted everything to “HD” for their “Every Episode of The Simpsons Ever” deal for the FX/FXX network a few years back. they pan and scan and zoom in, instead of just bracketing the sides of the screen to preserve resolution and framing. most of the

I’m not saying Hendrix wasn’t good at RISK...but attributing it to the whole year of training he got in the US Army m before getting injured and discharged is just silly.

when that show was still relatively new, I was at the time working 3 part time jobs to keep a roof over my head, one of which was at a movie theater. as it happened , the production company for Barney liked to rent out our theater for team building non-sense.
While those people were not THE most pretentious, demanding,

when did you take the picture, as I could swear thats my unpaid off trade in (black Fiat 500) along the back wall next to a silver pickup.

do some research.  

In with Strickler and KAMKAD it is most certainly Fraud.

I’m one of those victims. I started taking my 2015-500 Sport there for oil changes etc after FCA pulled the franchise for John Eagle Fiat of Dallas (cuz 35 miles each way is great for Studio Service...) anyways I was in in February for an oil change, and the deal for a trade in on an unsold 2017 Abarth was to

regarding the Ice Cream Maker Computer Core. Luke can be seen loading one into his X-wing when he leaves Dagobah. and we never do see Lukes X-wing again after he gets to Bespin....hmmmm.

1. Did you seriously just slut shame a Jedi?

I don’t buy it. and while victims of abuse that actually happened require support...I can’t be the only person concerned about the concept of Guilt by mere Accusation with Zero chance to disprove a negative.

kind of like an informal Kings Moot. they did the same thing for Rob.

I strongly suspect Tormound is alive as is Beric...they were hauling ass away from the Ice before the wall began to give way...and if you freeze frame you can see several more watch towers along the edge of the wall that was still standing. For ease of plot one or both should survive

pretty much if everyone survives the winter...Jon/Dany can make Sam any damn thing they want.

I’m fine with it. sounds like Kermit to me. I mean...nobody is Jim Henson...just like no one is Frank Oz... but Vogel has been with Seasame Street since 1987 handling Big Bird and the well as Floyd and I’m pretty cool with the dudes pedigree.

back in 1991...I didn’t have a car at the time...I did however have a dead beat crashing on my couch who had an ancient Honda CVCC. I was dating this girl who lived in College Station while I lived in Dallas. I took a train down to see her for the weekend... and gave the dead beat gas money to come and pick me and