
I was waiting for the SE for a while... 2 years ago I experimented with a Lumia 520 ...and that stretched out longer than intended. the functionality of the Windows phone OS was limited...but I did like that it was small enough to fit in my pocket (also had a job that required a constant LYNC connection and LYNC for

that’s not implitcation...its projection from yourself.

its about how one female character was treated in one comic book...while ignoring how other characters were treated in the same comic book.

a hot button issue.... about...what? a comic book.

“under” my skin? ew.

again...I cracked a joke. I’m not the one throwing around libelous insults and insulting peoples character.’re saying you can’t take a joke? or you don’t get the joke because you are the subject of the joke?


the original GN has a page count of 48. with everything that takes place in the story...the ONLY thing most people can talk about are a couple of if they happened in a vacuum.

riiiiight.... I made a joke. if I’d NEVER made a joke in an internet forum I’m certain NO ONE ELSE would have ever lost their collective shit about this.

I cracked a joke. either you found it funny, or you didn’t. I was almost instantly jumped on for making a joke. I wasn’t “raging” I typed a single sentence. And since then in attempting to engage politiely if not sarcastically (because I’m note taking comics as “serious business” in this regard) people who project

again...thanks for telling me how I feel and how I should act.

please collect your “No-Prize” at the door. :)

again, I don’t spend time on reddit so I have no idea what you are talking about. there is a world outside the internet.

good eye... I hadn’t even picked up on that.

Futuantur, si iocum de se ipsis non tolerent.

the first quote is something you cherry picked , as if to make my point about how stripping a quote of its context to falsely prop up your argument. heres the full quote

to some people not codeming a couple of pages of the Killing Joke with all ones might is the same thing as “sexism”

yeah...I made a joke about the predictable shit show that was soon to happen. This butter was going to get churned either way, cuz some folks are way to thin skinned. and you have a point...I really shouldn’t curse when discussing such vitally important issues. It might trivialize them.

Thats not an really an in context quote. can anyone find the full interview?