
“But then it’s never mentioned again until King Shark’s giant fin-hand flies into frame and grabs the Flash by his throat. “

I’ll make allowances for it being a pilot episode, that shows potential , but the first episode of Supergirl is problematic. It’s full of cliched lip service to Twitter deep level gender politics, every character so far, is a by the numbers caricatured stereotype, with most dialogue uttered only as an abbreviated form

so...this is kind of a barbie-ized version of Uwe Boll’s “House of the Dead”?

“But at the same time it was very painful, like giving birth out of my prick hole.”

I first ran across Blair Witch Projects website about 6-7months before the film came out. the background audio on the main page was creepy enough on its own to give me the willies in broad daylight. it took me about a week at the time to prove to myself no actually college kids had gone missing...but the site was so

seems to be missing a bottle of Faygo.

yes...the high heels... THAT was the biggest logic hole in the film....

not enough indy love. lets go back in time a bit...and lets get Guy Davis’ Baker Street a series.

happy meal toys. started in the mid-80s when they released 2 series of little transforming food robots. I traveled to every McD’s over a 2 county area to get all of thing I know I’m collecting Happy Meal toys. not all of them...just the ones related to cartoons I liked or where neat and or weird in

better question...who gives a shit? its some crappy meaningless meme shirt that will mean nothing to the 5 people who actually buy it 10 seconds after it arrives in the mail.

so...can some show this to the remaining TWA flight 800 tinfoil hat an example of what kind of damage occurs when an AntiAir missile makes impact with an airliner...thanks.

maybe I’m missing something...the title is “The Exact moment ...” yet there is no “Exact Moment” enumerated in the article.

anyone have a clue on the scale of these fig’s? want to pick them up for my niece...but she is such a huge fan of Wolverine and Jean Grey (pre-Phoenix...she’s very adamant on that point) wan’t to make sure she has close approx scale for cross play.

funny...I was waiting for the inevitable first posting of someone who is bitching about awaiting the inevitable onslaught misogynistic posts...since we can’t have commentary about female anything without one....and here you are.

that level of full on Body Tattoos would take 1-3 years depending on the artist doing the work and the pain tolerance and healing ability of the subject. so right of the gate this whole premise is bullshit. pass.

Red Dragon did a great job.

that would require Lucas to be good at writing dialogue that normal humans can utter in a normal tone...which he isn’t. one of the main reasons Star Wars didn’t end up as a cautionary tale of massively expensive flops was the amazing cast of talented actors who were able to move past the near complete lack of

Biggs has been hiding out in a secret Rebel base across the galaxy...and the Lars family was only killed like...2 days ago in relative time, so that would be on Luke to fill him in really. though given that an entire PLANET was just destroyed, that anyone was chipper and cheerful at all makes little sense to me.

not long after I did a stint working at the Diamond warehouse in Texas...I ended up working at a chain of comic shops in Dallas. one location had previously changed hands between 2 different comics shop chains before I worked there (and 1 more after I left before the strip mall was demolished). with each new owner

let me hop on my counterfeit Honda Metro, ride it down to the fake Apple store...pick up a pair of “Beets” headphones...