
is there a paragraph missing from the start of this article?

is one of the items on the list Indy wielding an RPG-2 which was not only a Warsaw pact weapon, it wasn’t invented until 1949? that’s always bugged me...where does Indy keep his time machine?

honestly...the first thing I thought of when I saw Depp in “Into the Woods” was Edward James Olmos as “Pachuco” in Zoot...only not even remotely cool...and way more frightening.

do you have any Tobacco?

that wasn’t actually the time that occured, the real Cordelia was already on a higher plain of existence.

I wouldn’t try eating canned goods from before WWII... it used to be common practice to weld the seam on can s with lead.

they are pretty and all...but more of a novelty/vanity item than anything else... for example...there are WAY more than 5 books in either of Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew series.

Now playing

The Sword and the Sorcerer...the top grossing independent film of 1982...its gory, violent, features legendary B-List bad guy Richard Lynch...and a 3 bladed sword that shoots its blades like a spetznaz knife...and has a handle that I swear’da god was built around an aluminum softball bat.

for 3 seasons its been “Why isn’t Diggle wearing a mask? Why isn’t Diggle wearing a mask?” he finally gets a mask and now its all... “WTF is up with the mask on Diggle?”

the reason Darlene (or rather...FSociety) throws the party in the arcade is entirely part of a plan to cover up their activities. They clearly state during the party that the location is now a “cesspool” with so much DNA/Hair/Fingerprints/Bodily Fluids as to make definitive forensic evidence impossible to separate.

-2 out of 10. Troll Harder next time.

will the fan film answer the one question I’ve always had about Fett? that question being, how his helmet gets all scuffed to shit, without breaking off that antenna thing?

Nope its John Crichtons dad.

when the show first started, I was intrigued , but it instantly had problems remaining consistant, had internal logic problems (re Tom Mason :” I don’t want my son’s learning to shoot, I want them to have a NORMAL childhood”...uh...look around you numbnutz...the apocalypse is upon you..that AIN’T gonna happen)

that is Lupins fiancé Rebecca Rossalini.

this is currently on Netflix. worth a watch

if you don’t mind watching the show in Italian you can watch it live streaming via the following :

Lupin is really REALLY popular in Italy. Its on par with the popularity for franchise in Japan itself. there is even a store in Milan that sells nothing but Lupin merchandise.

not normally a huge “Super” fan (regardless of the gender suffix)...but seeing these photos has made me set this up on my DVR... now I can’t wait.

GOD DAMN IT... Spoilers much?