
you don’t like what I like, therefore you are instantly branded a sexist pig.

oh good, for a minute I was afraid they’d be more concerned with paying lip service to “feminisim” than producing a solid comedy that can hold its own along side the brilliant original and slightly less brilliant but still awesome sequel.

there are actually 46 woodcut prints in the “36 views of Mount Fuji” series.
also...stolen in the mid 70’s by Arsene Lupin the 3rd.

reminds me of the cockpit for SPT Layzner.

shame the second it has a collision with anything at more than 2 mph it will probably kill the driver.

because Paul Feig is an over-rated hack.

in the case of Voice Acting...if you have an actor with a proven track record of being good at the craft, and you give them a shitty script and poor direction...then thats really on the recording Producer/Director not on the actor, for not getting the read they needed for the role.

I guess I should try reading the Manga... given that ZERO story takes place in the Anime Series and no one has yet been able to explain to me why the series is soooo awesome by talking about the anime alone...everyone HAS to spend their entire speech talking up the manga.

but the awful. Characters that

because REASONS. personally... I despise Paul Fieg for his cookie cutter, predictable/trope heavy bullshit “comedies” as well as his faux “feminist” posturing ... but because female actors are involved I’m instantly labeled a sexist....which to me... assuming I’m a sexist because I don’t like something that happens to

not sure on the umbrella... and so far as Arietty, he didn’t direct it, he did the “screen play” which if you know how Miya-san works...he basically sits down and writes it as he illustrates it as he goes... which means someone else is directing the animation, but Miyazaki’s footprints are all over the thing.

they also have Lupin and Jigen in the fiat ontop of the building at the well as some of the ICPO officers.

no love for Ariety or The Wind Rises apparently.

one of the ways I know that all the cheek clenching arguments over Barbara Gordon are horseshit? I mean beyond ignoring what happened to James Gordon in the same story? Not ONCE in 20+ years has ANYONE ever brought up the Jokers pregnant wife...if you have read the Killing might recall she was killed by

it was also horrible how they “fridged”. the entire planet Krypton JUST so they could make Superman grow up on Earth. (well... HALF the population of Krypton...only the female Kryptonians...the male Kryptonians don’t count by WiR “logic” )

so... in the Marvel Universe...Uncle Ben was also “fridged”. given that he ONLY existed EVER to be murdered to make Peter Parker feel bad... or can you only “FRIDGE” a female character?
addtionally... Joker wasn’t there for wasn’t even her apartment...Joker was there for James Gordon...and Barbara opened

well good don’t have to yourself and all of out by expressing your opion once...then shutting the fuck up.

“and the accompanying tone shift from horror to noir”

crack smokers... District 9 is brillant, and Eliysium was great as well. Hell...even Chappie wasn’t nearly as god awful as everyone claims.

reminds me of Zillion. well not the guns...

“how to make Heavy Metal good again” easy... remove Kevin Eastman and all the STD laden crap he shoe horned in to suck up to Julie Strain...kill “F.A.K.K. 2” and everything related to it with fire...then maybe we can talk.

because the series/manga make ZERO goddamn sense. If you just LOVE a bleak and depressing show where people scream/monolouge about being afraid and overcoming/succumbing fear, and a complete and utter lack of internal logic or direction for the plot...then Attack on Titan is for you.

Its right up there with Evangelion