
Its a Melissa McCarthy vehicle...she’s the female equivalent of Chris Farley...she’s going to say something “inappropriate”, then trip over something, and either destroy something valuable or do a shitty pratfall...and it’s funny because she’s heavyset and awkward...apparently. YAWN.

with regards to the M6D in the first Halo... if you read the strategy guide for the game (back when such guides were more than just an expensive manual that should have come with a game anyways) the description of the weapons lists its cartridge as 12.5 mm...where as the fin stabilized sabot round for the sniper rifle

in highschool in the late 80’s I lived in south Arlington TX, next to the airfield Bell/Textron was using as a base for V-22 flight tests. several times a week getting to see them circling the neighborhood flanked by a pair of Kiowa’s. one day I was trying to cut through another neighborhood to dodge some traffic, and

I don’t generally buy bottled water, as I don’t like paying for the same thing twice. I already pay my share of public water works through my utility bills. why should I then have to pay AGAIN for the same damn thing I already get from my tap? let alone the tax credits and other corp.welfare given to bottling

“appropriate” for whom? not for long time fans of The Green Hornet (those of us who’ve listened to the radio serials, pulp novels etc...beyond the short lived 60’s TV series). Imagine if someone remade The Shadow as a vehicle for little more than tired tropes and toilet humor.

back in when the N64 first released, I was living in Colorado. my roommate had saved up some money to get an N64, but neglected to think that the systems were sold out everywhere, and he didn’t pre-order.

I can’t believe someone let you do it either Rogen, especially after how you crapped all over The Green Hornet.

as much as I love the show, and enjoyed last night episode... they didn’t need Snart for anything...but considering they were dumb enough to take a handful of super powered bad guys, dump them into a truck with a dampening field, and not even bother with hand cuffs of zip ties...let alone what where they planing on

“which Gonzales had gone to great lengths to obtain for Jiaying”

and I find your misandry to be just as toxic as misogyny. Ones flavor of genitalia doesn’t give anyone a free pass on being sexist.

did anyone actually WATCH Age of Ultron? the part where Scarlet Witch gets into (almost) everyones heads and makes them deal with their biggest fears/regrets? So for Natasha...amongst the already mentioned “red in her ledger” is the fact that she was sterilized against her will. It only “makes her an incomplete woman”

I have the distinct impression that “GOTHAM” is written by a large committee of clueless “bros” and other assorted douchebags in writers sessions that bear an uncanny resemblance to those fakes fuck “staff meetings” that TMZ uses for their paparazzi shit.

my older brother is a couple of years my senior so he hit puberty when I was still 10...but my mother was smart enough to know that she couldn’t just give “the talk” to just one of us.

The Battle of Plattsburgh. I grew up on Lake Champlain, with a view out my bedroom window onto Valcour Island where the battle took place...and while almost no one has heard of it, its the battle that really turned/won the war of 1812, despite all the credit given to Andrew Jackson (for fighting a battle after the war

Now playing

its been over 15 years...but I’m still not happy about Sierra canceling Babylon 5: Into the Fire

I think I’ve seen this somewhere before...

Honestly... DKR has not aged all that well for me. perhaps had I not read ANYTHING else by Miller, so I wasn’t exposed to his standard tropes, maybe...or perhaps some of the schlock dialogue and one note characters weren’t as noticeable during the mid-80’s (compared to everything else that it shared the marketplace

given how Millers art has gotten progressively lazier and lazier with each passing year...this new title will probably just be a cheap imitation of Jackson Pollack paintings , only with offensive word balloons and some swastikas (cuz “Shock value”)

WookiePedia doesn’t give a total number... but it goes into detail about the different types of SSD’s ...which basically translates into MANY and/or LOTS. of course most of that comes from the E.U. so with the ongoing retcon...its hard to say anymore what is canon

between 2002-2005, I was active on forums dealing with figure collecting/comics and heavy on Gi Joe related things. In the OffTopic sections of the forums, flame wars would they do, but one guy in particular would follow me from thread to thread to thread, across several different forums, just to talk shit,