
since its way past 1941...and that clearly shows their "batman" shooting the shit out of people...this can't possibly be I can't stand how much the DCU franchise does NOT get its own fan base.

if it is a Star would pretty much have to be an SSD class or larger...if you recall the scale of the Falcon vs a standard SD when she was cloning to the back in way the engines would be large enough otherwise.

count the engines and the placement... this could be a Super Star Destroyer?

Gun with Occasional Music got me started...Amnesia Moon got me anyone who can describe a heated argument between a bonsai tree and a clock and still keep me on the edge of my seat is a force to be reckoned with.... even his short story "Vanilla Dunk" had be nervous for the conclusion, and as a general rule

I would hazard a guess that the design was changed as the original might have been more a case of just being to similar for Lucas' tastes than real fear of a lawsuit.

the old saying is true... “Never meet your heroes, they will only disappoint you”. maybe we could get Miyazaki and Alan Moore to fight it out in a curmudgeon vs curmudgeon death match?

the “Born Again Saga” (#223-#227) is a brilliantly mixed bag, and is an early indication of how Frank Miller can simultaneously be both a genius, and an incredibly lazy hack. Aside from the obvious issues Miller has with female characters (just HAD to turn Karen Page into a washed up former porn actress now whoring

Alan Moore is a brilliant writer...and also a massive curmudgeon. He has nothing really good to say about most of his work with D.C. at this point, and the only consistent thing he has stated about "The Killing Joke" over the decades since it was published (since his voiced opinion has changed over time) is that is

If you want to long as you still offer the originals where possible... sometimes its needed during the restoration process...sometimes its just asinine ...especially with the likes of Moebius.

the Jokers motivations are typically semi fluid. it really depends on the story and who's writing it. Batman Beyond:Return of the Joker laid his motivations for his actions out pretty clearly for example.

“complete guide”? yet no coverage of the first Lupin Television series since the 80’s? doesn’t sound very complete to me.

well...she went out to be up bad guys after only 1-2 boxing forethought and planning aren’t really her strengths.

last nights episode once again hammers home how ludicrous it is that Diggle never wears a mask while on their missions. an entire city full of cops searching rooftops for bad guys and here’s a mask less diggle with a high powered rifle in the open. uh...okay.

"the Joker knocks on the door of the Gordon residence, and when Barbara answers the door, he shoots her through the abdomen in front of her father, Jim. Barbara isn't killed, but permanently paralyzed from the waist down, meaning that her career as Batgirl over for good. She's later captured and stripped by the

"the males get to go play...outside."

look...they recycled the Unite Planets uniforms from Forbidden planet.

the single player looks great...plays terribly. playing on the default difficulty...sometimes a head shot will drop a bad...most of the time it won't. I tried to progress in a mission by using a suppressed sniper rifle to head shot an isolated guard on a roof top...and every time I tried...the guy would just shrug

"Sam Francisco, open your golden gate, open your gate and let me in!"

I seriously disagree with the claim that Gi Joe the Rise of COBRA was "written". more like crapped out on the page.

thank god. someone finally said it.