So you've discovered the source of Sarah Palin's complete knowledge of the White House and all the nifty responsibilities of President and Vice President of this here USA.
So you've discovered the source of Sarah Palin's complete knowledge of the White House and all the nifty responsibilities of President and Vice President of this here USA.
You lost me on knif.
We can all see him now.
That was really painful.
"6. Are you a player? Hardly."
Will anyone be following up to find out who the people are that Donald Sterling is berated by when his girlfriend parades herself on Instagram with black people? Who is that influential in DS' life that he dreads the discovery that he's gone soft on black people? Are they fellow 1 per centers, other oligarchs, his ex…
"amorally"? Is it only on my screen that this word appears? Did the 238 that faved your post believe Christians to be amoral? I mean "amorally superior"?
So the FULL ON PREDITOR position might require a perp with several priors? Acquittals need not apply.
Who cares about his writing? I just want him to fix his teeth. That "aw shucks anti- intellectual emerican" grin he has makes his donkey drivel discourse seem contrived. I don't want to give an idiot the benefit of my doubt just because I fear my opinion is prejudiced by his looks.
I am so glad I stopped drinking. I could so see myself waking up somewhere down there.
Great. Now it looks like Mr. Sunglasses is wanting to take his pp out for a walk.
He had just enough time to put his pp away.
Graph Trickery is the tools of the devils and space control mind aliens.
Yeah, why are people diagnosing Bode? The important thing now is that we concern ourselves with skull fractures due to that fall of his. If I were his parent I would insist on an immediate craniectomy to relieve the pressure building up around his baby brain. Most high end ski resorts should have a neurosurgeon on…
I would suggest that at her age, keeping herself out of the news was a lifesaver. As a parent, as proud as i would be, I would have strongly suggested the paper provide security. She is awesome.
The last set of titles to hit the screen say it all. "Fight Ignorance with Ignorance" I guess you could say they're doing a great job of being ignorant, but I don't believe their winning. Nope. I don't think coming up with a meme like that gets them anywhere but stupid.
Wasn't that sign stolen from her? If not, what makes her think it's going to stay there? If she's truly concerned about her water quality she should have installed in a new filter system. For over a decade there have been systems that can deal with most anything. No more expensive than others. I believe poop is still…
" In Deuteronomy 22:5 it does say, "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this,"
First story. Eh, maybe 10 years ago. My sister the radiologist, competent doctor, took her 20month old son and her 3 year old daughter from NYC to Orlando, Florida. It was rainy and some thunder storms on the way, so the plane was a little delayed, but no problem. Her kids were cute and the younger was an early…