mr c

“Interestingly now I research how sex offenders get away with what they do - the facade they put on, the grooming tactics they use. It’s sickening how they create this persona around them that makes it nearly impossible for others to see them as at all culpable. And somehow, they turn it all onto the kid and the kid

What's more shocking to me is how few people make the connection between lack of unionization and monumentally bad working conditions. If I had a nickel for every friend I've had who can go on about how evil the big bad unions are and still express shock and outrage over the kind of behavior described in these sort of

I love it so much when idiots accuse Gawker of constantly race-baiting, and then post comments to articles that have nothing to do with race, and don't mention race, and attempt to make it about race. And then fail to see the irony of it all.

Well there used to be nothing racist about this post at least.

Six years ago my then 3 year old son saw the Santa version of the snowman pan in the catalog and asked me to get it. I did because I was 7 months pregnant and felt guilty about this being his last Christmas without a sibling. WORST DECISION. First, the fancy ass decorations in the catalog were done with fruit

The NFL made this mess for themselves by portraying football as the epitome of American values instead of a profit-making entertainment business. Hollywood gave up trying to sanitize its celebs years ago. The NFL needs to do so now.

Oh hell yes I have a bad roommate story.

In college, I lived with a girl who I had known since birth. She was basically like my cousin. I knew she was quirky and cheap, but I didn't think about what that meant in roommate terms. Well. First, she had pets that she didn't take care of. I ended up adopting both her cats when we split up. But the cats were fine