
Oh look another end of the world post from Maddie Stone. Well played. Nothing we have not seen umm about 100 times from you. Just regurgitate stuff you find from other sites. I do give you a +1 for being proactive in your blaming of Trump on this one..


I know this is unpopular but...pipelines have to go somewhere. They have to cross rivers. They are the safest means of transport available for our current energy needs. Our energy needs are not going to shift very quickly from oil & gas to renewables - there is no scenario where this Bakken oil is not going to get

You can’t be a good liberal unless you understand and vigorously defend the concerns of a bunch of people worried that an oil pipeline might hurt the feelings of the moon ghosts they believe in!

No thanks.

Actually they are protesting on privately owned land....

Runs through no sacred burial ground thus no national coverage, no national protests and no social media slacktivist support. 

So where is the “design, technology and science fiction*” in this article?

And snowflakes who have nothing better to do than be triggered. :(

I guess that sucks... for people in New York City.

Please consider that you are reading a VERY SMALL sample of opinion from an obviously cherry picked set of individuals. Wanna poll the DoD workforce?

Jesus H Christ. Suck it up, buttercups. I know it won’t happen, but I want every single one of these people to write back in after four years and tell us all how significantly their lives have changed specifically due to Trump’s policy.

I don’t know. Posting opinions of “anonymous government workers” is kind of like Trump’s “people are saying” nonsense.

All I read was a lot of people letting emotion guide them to freak out based on personal and mass media induced speculation.

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

Liberals have spent more time in the past few days wondering how to “combat the threat of Donald Trump,” a duly elected President of the United States, than they ever spent on figuring out how to “combat the threat” of ISIS. Who, you know, have actually killed Americans and are responsible for the deaths of hundreds

Here we have another tolerant, peace loving liberal still on their 2 week “mope” period wishing horrible things on fellow countrymen. Lovely.

“Trust in mainstream media outlets has been falling, and people can choose to get their news from echo chambers that validate their views.”

Is this your scapegoat now? Facebook?

Remembered that the president controls less than we think and that this is hardly the first time we’ve had a shitty conservative president. Went back to everyday life.