
I don’t like people that use the word ‘ought’.

Kind of like Maddie’s posts that say ‘it’s warm somewhere so global warming’

kind of like how you deny that communism sucks

cool story

world war 3 will never happen


hot take!

<pats millennial loser on head>

A 95 year old dies

cool story

You must be a blast at parties

another post trope that I’ve seen on gizmodo lately - Watching/Listening to [something quirky/out of the ordinary/ordinary/extreme/science-y] while [time lapsed/go-pro’d/some other visual trick/doing something dangerous/extreme] will make you [adjective/verb]. Sometimes accompanied with a pointless gif. I’ve seen

fat people die earlier*

I love at the bottom of the article is “Gear Deals from Kinja’. This whole site a week ago from today was just a giant billboard for shit to by on Cyber Monday. The majority of which we probably didn’t even need.

no u

So you had a bunch of idiots in your debate scary!


“Just to note, it is December 1 and was 57 degrees today in Washington, D.C. “

“Though it might be tempting to blame climate change, scientists aren’t entirely sure what’s causing this troubling trend.”

haha ur mad