
Was that article English with grammars, or is there a gas leak in my office?

The main reason I look forward to 2016 ending is so that people will start complaining about how bad 2017 sucks.

He was 95, wtf do you want?

All these “Everything you need to know about movie XYZ” posts are getting really tedious. Need to know? Why does anyone “need” to know? The only thing I need to know about a movie I already know I am going to see (no matter what) is where the theater is and what time the screening is. I “need” (or even want) to know

I think you missed the point of this...this is a ticket option that will be priced lower. I think it would be great for college kids or light packers to now have a cheaper option. Nice click-bait headline though!

So, it is The Firm with tech instead of law. How original.

If only we could go back to trouble-free world of yesteryear! Remember that time there was no social unrest, no military conflict and no oppressive political regimes? All that stuff is definitely the internet’s fault. We should turn it off so that we can’t directly and freely share our ideas anymore. Best to get our

Gizmodo: the tech blog for people who are scared of tech.

Am white privileged male.

Oh Gizmodo! You can’t have it both ways

The Tolerant Left everyone.

No, it was transferring your bitchy broad brush statement onto women. After all, if you don’t wanna get popped in the mouth, maybe don’t run it so much :)

No, it’s what I was getting at.

On a serious note: how is one a pseudo-troll?

Sinc when? The comment section yesterday was filled with proclamations that it was probably some right-wing white-guy with guns. You can read them.

The $15 minimum wage idea is nice-sounding, but fraught with peril. It will escalate the drive for large corporations to automate and eliminate labor. Smaller businesses will go away in large numbers, and what will be unseen is the number of small businesses that will never open going forward.

Gizmodo exercises an iron fist of control to silence and ostracize any comment that doesn’t align with their message. It’s hard to tear apart something that’s barely got integrity in the first place.

...and Gizmodo isn’t? lmaoo

honest question:

“Diversity is the foundation of this country and it is reflected in every aspect of our military and Veteran populations.”