
I’m seeing a whole lot of this.

It’s because, rich or poor, lots of people just don’t like the Clintons, especially Hillary. This isn’t some kind of new development and it’s exactly why I didn’t vote for her in the primaries. Nominating someone who is already unpopular was a really bad choice.

There is only one person to blame to Donald Trump’s victory and that is Hillary Clinton.

I can see the io9 headline now (you heard it here first): “Rogue One just closed up Star Wars’ biggest plot hole”.

“He replied, “No! I am not listening to him! Donald Trump says dangerous things and he hurts people! I am not listening to anything he says. The D was supposed to win. I am so mad at this”

Yeah... things go up and down...

Rather than escape reality - people in the media should try to learn from it...

Throwing tech stocks in here so you can bitch more about Trump? GET OVER IT!!

God you guys are just the worst. You what? Want the tech industry to be outraged by Donald Trump winning? The tech industry that pays the highest corporate tax rates in the world and has been bullied the past 8 years into giving away their trade secrets because Big Gubment insists? And a candidate who wants to

What do you mean “do your part?” You didn’t show up. Those numbers are real and they don’t lie. You. DID NOT. SHOW UP.

this butthurt articles are getting worst every hour. Way to lose more readers Giz!

Yep, it’s Gizmodo tears.

Voted for Hillary but the way this place acts I feel like I understand why a republican won.

It was a collection of HIllary supporter’s tears

Can you guys please get back to being a tech blog and stop whining about social issues?

Is EVERYONE at Gizmodo butt hurt about this election? Jesus Christ move on to something else.

Anti-white hatred is the only acceptable hatred left- let him have his fun.

No, no,’re missing the point. No matter how good things are, especially in the best country in the world, the left will always drag everything down to race, gender, orientation, etc., then they will show how one particular group or another is not getting treated fairly. Except for whites; they’re privileged


It’s very hard to take you seriously with titles like that.