You do have some good points, but I did want to point out that Vincent is not disqualified for his condition. If I recall, he does not HAVE a heart condition, just the DNA to show that he will likely develop one.
You do have some good points, but I did want to point out that Vincent is not disqualified for his condition. If I recall, he does not HAVE a heart condition, just the DNA to show that he will likely develop one.
Oooh, yeah, smart! You want in?
Lavar Burton or cancel!!!!
Max was not ahead prior to the turn - he braked later and tried to turn in to shut the door very late, expecting Hamilton to back off as he’s done previously.
I look forward to the pricing catching up with reality.
If you watch closely, she actually clips the lowest powerline. Good thing she wasn’t driving a Camry, which obviously would have been grounded.
It’s because they view it as a zero-sum game; i.e, others ‘winning’ means they will ‘lose’ more. Interestingly, this meta-study (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov32064320/) shows “that both liberals and conservatives view life as zero-sum when it benefits them to do so. Whereas conservatives exhibit zero-sum thinking…
This is high-quality Jalopnik, and the kind of writing that keeps me here.
You definitely don’t want to buy one right now. A lot of regular folks are finding that the only way to get the kind of house they want is to bid well over the asking and waive having it inspected. Investors are snapping houses up with cash offers at or above asking, and it’s really hard to compete with that.
The weird and incredible coincidences that occur in baseball will never cease to amaze me. I know part of it is just the sheer amount of games played but something like this is just crazy.
4200lb european = Not rated to tow in US.
Let’s remember that 4200 lb tow rating didn’t translate to American. Different tow methodologies.
Some of these are definitely interesting opinions, but I’d just like to point out that this is not a slideshow.
You want an even more impressive story about “teen girl shoves bear”....hats off to Paxton Smith, who ditched her pre-approved valedictorian speech on Saturday to instead give a speech decrying the new anti-abortion laws in Texas. I’m actually amazed she wasn’t forcibly hauled off stage by her teachers.
We have created an asperational american mythology that we all could be rich someday. And we have done so for a very long time well over 100 years. We are raised believing the mertiocracy means the best people are the rich ones otherwise they would not be rich. I disagree but that is the poison of the lie of meritocrac…
Better take, make it harder to get a license.
Internet + Famous = Infamous
I think peak ICE will occur with the next GT3RS
Give me a break. The ‘bonk’ came after they had exchanged words and Bottas was giving the finger before Russell tapped his helmet.
I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.