For a lower priced vehicle, if they want to make money, they have to build it in large enough volumes. Building a small vehicle, pricing it low and combining that with low production numbers is a time-proven way to lose money.
For a lower priced vehicle, if they want to make money, they have to build it in large enough volumes. Building a small vehicle, pricing it low and combining that with low production numbers is a time-proven way to lose money.’s a business. Volvo continuing to exist is a thing I would like more than it being overtly esoteric. Let us never forget SAAB.
That Mitsu truck is very handsome. That blue is stunning. And white letter out on the tires? Diesel manual 4x4?!
but it’s not going to sell for big bucks. Not when the market is finally cooling off.
I know, right? In many states someone would be putting speed holes on him.
a car with that size would do wonders for Formula 1 I think, even Monaco could become more competitive
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a combination of both. They can probably make make good money swapping battery packs in 3/4 year old cars than selling them to the previous owner as-is.
It’s really interesting how much wider the ID.R looks by comparison. Seems like a perfect run with that car is probably close to the same time or just a tiny bit slower (given the errors in the 39.9), but the active aero makes that McMurty launch so cleanly it’s insane. Absolutely phenomenal how perfect the launch is…
Except they are not less skilled; they are just missing some formal education. A degree does not equate to skill
That’s good. This’ll attract a lot of single enlistment veterans with technical backgrounds and tradespeople that want to go in to the corporate world. Even better that they’re offering scholarships to get a 4 year degree.
I’m so getting one of these in a couple of years when the leased ones get returned!
Man, I hope you’re getting paid for this.
The passenger landed the plane and ATC gave instructions.
Yeah, this is the kind of take I still come to Jalop for. I don’t know of another car site that would be willing to publish something like this, thank you.
I had wonderful experiences in Montreal and Austria! Everyone I met at both places were SO welcoming and so friendly, even considering any language barriers!
RC cars are cool.
I mean come on, this isn’t even something you can brush away as no big deal or people being overly sensitive. Just straight up racism, there is no defending this.
lemonds bikes are damn good looking.