
“This one is good for gamers who want access to older data but find carrying a handful of cartridges inconvenient.”

“Apple has once again had a wrench thrown in its plans for smartphone hardware...”

First, they need to be able to sit down and watch a 2 hour movie at home without getting up and running around or whining.

Yeah, I’m not surprised this wasn’t on the album the first go around. I’d rank it as a meh compared to the rest of the original album.

The prototype was created by a team from a Japanese creative agency called Image Source (which it shortens to IMG SRC because vowels are so uncool)

I have a Nintendo Wii and plenty of games for it. However, it isn’t hooked up. Why?

5) Untitled Goose Game

You don’t need this. Put your Zoom/Teams/Meet/FaceTime/whatever app on one half of your screen, and put your Notes/OneNote/Evernote/whatever on the other half. I do this all day—every day—and it works well.

Anxiety: Per the Mayo Clinic, anxiety disorder is characterized by “intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.” Often they involve sudden feeling of fear or terror (panic attacks). Do we all experience anxiety sometimes? Yes. But there’s no need to chalk up how you’re feeling before a

Last year’s “Boss Level” was not half bad...

Labradors don’t really deserve to be on this list. 1: You should never trust anything from the extremist trolls at PETA. 2. Every breed is prone to certain ailments, and Labradors overall don’t struggle with anything major like most of this list. If you wanted an example of a larger dog, I would’ve picked the German

Holy shit, get the fuck over yourself.

He didn’t make the system. He didn’t advocate for the system. He had no input on the system. He had no choice on whether or not he gets to live in the system. He has precisely zero blame for the system existing, he suffers under it, and he got the chance to escape it. Why the fuck shouldn’t he?

Uh, middle fingers to the post author?

AirTags are bad because they could be misused? Isn’t that like saying cars are bad because they could be used to hurt people? Cameras are bad because they could be used to spy on people? Houses are bad because they could be set on fire with people inside? Food is bad because it can make people fat?

I haven’t had issues with accuracy, but I have had concerns about difficulty. Sometimes Waze will recommend a route that “saves” a minute or two on paper, but is needlessly complicated. Unprotected left turns, lefts that require waiting for a light, going through an area with extra turns or lights, etc. The practical

Why not just get a power bank? I bought one for about $15 that I can charge my phone a few times with. Being at a conference with that thing, I can go 3 days without needing an outlet, which is nice. Sure, it’s slightly bigger than my phone, and needs a wire, but let’s be honest - you probably already have some sort

I usually just scream at Siri to do shit for me. It just “works”. Actual transcription follows.

RE: Lastpass - maybe you have your browser set to automatically open .CSV files? Because using ADVANCED OPTIONS > EXPORT from your browser’s Lastpass Vault generates a .CSV file

Ask any random 100 people on any street in the world what an “image file” is and 50% would say it involves pictures, 48% would say they have no idea, and 2% would actually know what you mean. And maybe 10% of that 2% would know how to install one.