
Most people didn’t* need access to a home printer.

Apple released a new iPhone today. I’m going to start this review by saying that 10 years ago I used a blackberry so I wasn’t interested in buying an iphone. I have seen friends use an iphone before but ultimately I’ve settled in happily with an Android phone. I’m most happy with the features of my Samsung Galaxy S11

My dad had an app for that. It was called yelling until everyone was in tears.

I always count, “One! Two!” and then take the picture on two. You could yell “One! <Daughter’s name>!”  YMMV...

I’ve never understood how websites have justified a post like this by putting more effort into shooting/editing/hosting a video rather than just typing out some text and inserting some photos.  Text and photos would be far more effective for a post like this.

Hell to the no. 100% no. Most people don’t know how to lock down their computers and networks properly or set up a QOS that is worth a damn. Neighbor’s partner is a photography freak and is uploading 100+ uncompressed pictures a day to Facebook while you’re in the middle of a gaming session and now you’re a

Before Reading the Article:

I’ll save Gizmodo some time:

Who tf do you know that’s going to decide whether to get the new iPhone or an Android because of different amounts of pixels on the display. The OS is still the defacto deciding factor.

As defined as, when apps start acting squirrelly and restarting them doesn’t fix the issue. Or the device itself itself starts becoming non-responsive.

I’d recommend the free edition of Macrium Reflect over Clonezilla, personally, since it’s considerably easier to use and at least looks like it was developed in this century.

One I learnt when I was working in a bank; if you are adding up a set of numbers to check a total and they don’t match, if the difference between the expected total and your total is divisible by 9 then you have transposed a digit.

I notice that your comparison doesn’t Really address how these systems work in a multi-room setup, which to me seems like the standout feature that Sonos brought to the masses and the reason most people invest in the Sonos ecosystem. If you’re just putting two stereo speakers in a room, your options are virtually

What Apple is worth, in terms of market cap, is what people are willing to pay for the stock right now, multiplied by outstanding stock. If you think they’re massively over-valued, this would be a good time for you to short the stock and get richer.

I’ve generally enjoyed this series, but this one is ridiculous. Apple should be the easiest tech giant to cut out your life, since it has the smallest ownership of the internet backbone. There’s no reason to dive into Linux, when a Windows laptop is the most obvious non-Apple alternative. Why would you choose to go

Been using Lastpass for years now.

My dad’s best life hack was to always buy sushi at the cheapest place I could find it: grocery stores, gas stations, street vendors. It is often just as good as the expensive restaurant stuff. He died recently from a combination of intestinal parasites and food poisoning from an unknown source, but I’ll never forget

Cant speak for the others, but team viewer is fantastic. I set it up on my relative’s PCs so I don’t have to make housecalls when they invariably fuck something simple up anymore. The fact that I can use it on my iphone/ipad is a nice bonus as well.

The Apple Pencil is one of those inventions that Steve Jobs swore he’d never make

The amount you want your field of view to be filled is more of an individual preference. Take a look at what you think would be the appropriate size for your space, then use this chart to determine the resolution you truly need.