
You might want to read the comment again. It’s their work computer that got upgraded to Windows 10. Most people have no say in the IT policies of their company.

If you really want to compress something down then there is a tool out there which can take a video and a subtitle file and generate a comic of your favourite film or TV show.

It’s an interesting new way of thinking and will probably be appreciated by anyone who isn’t interested in comparing CPU specs - which is probably about 95% of the world.

Most of which I never use, and most of which are likely sending my data to some sketchy data broker?

If you’re not that bothered by wireless charging, then the good news is that the BNC020 is a version without that. The bad news is that it’s not that much cheaper (as they’ve added bluetooth configuration and an app). 

It’s worth noting that a card with a built in fingerprint reader isn’t a new thing. For example, Natwest (a bank in the UK) was trialling one back in 2019.

Here’s hoping Apple doesn’t copy Waze’s “I can shave 2 minutes off your 4 hour drive by routing you off a well-lit free-flowing 4 lane motorway onto a winding single-lane unlit road through the countryside...

I’ve got a box of old cables. A while back I decided I’d had enough and threw all the ones out that I didn’t recognise or think I’d use. I saved myself a tonne of space.

Now that brings back memories of playing Granny’s Garden” and “Repton” at school...

An obvious pick but a worthwhile one: Calendar apps show just how useful home screen widgets can be

Since we’re never going to get a (hackable) Amiga Mini, this looks to be the next best thing.

It feels like it’s Twitter giving the illusion of trying to stop misinformation without wanting to do anything that would impact their engagement numbers.

Or the program could have been designed to gracefully fail and/or provide the user with information and options.

As John Gruber aptly put it, the motto for Bluetooth should be “next year it’ll work great”.

That’s okay. You’ve got Android 11 which brings one-time permissions, smart home controls, screen recorder, disable auto-connect and keyboard auto-fill along with the obligatory comment that iOS has had all of those for years.

If Facebook disappeared tomorrow we’d hopefully see the end of people who insist on popping up on every single post about Facebook telling people how they quit and feel much better for it.

The iPad mini has been treated rather badly by Apple.

Is there a global “Ask all apps not to track” option? I appreciate the pop-up but I’m going to be saying “no” to everything.

Registered over an hour ago, saw the screen confirming the free game but nothing has been downloaded to UPLAY yet...

I told this to my other half this many years ago, who looked at me if I was completely nuts.