
Looking at the Dell UK store, it’s slightly disappointing that if you don’t want to pay the extra £300 for the 4k screen then the best you can get is FHD+ (2220 x 1080).

My daughter has an annoying habit of being the only one in the picture not actually looking at the camera. Her face is looking in the right direction but her eyes aren’t. I’d pay for an app to fix that.

People with perfectly usable old devices were being forced to turn them in to be scrapped, rather than refurbished. 

You can have that today. Just order all your apps alphabetically and don’t use any folders.

I did this two years ago (moving from Google Apps to Gmail) and using the Gmail importer was a complete disaster. The incoming Gmail account performed spam filtering, dumped a tonne of my emails into the junk folder and silently deleted a lot of others. In addition, I lost all my labels.

True, but the best camera is the one you have with you.

A second option is to participate in Sonos’s Trade Up program, which offers a 30% discount on new products if you recycle an eligible Sonos speaker. While this sounds like a good plan, it should be noted that opting in means you won’t be able to resell that speaker

Apple screwed up the UX on Mail more than just that.

Nope, you’re right.

Like others, I was taught how to read an analogue clock at school and don’t think it’s a hard thing to do. My children will get an analogue watch and will learn to read it.

Agreed. My usual policy is to wait till the end of November and then install whatever version is available then. 8 weeks is a good amount of time for users (and Apple) to find issues (and fix them).

According to Screen Time, I use my iPhone an average of 3 hours and 35 minutes a day. At a guess, I use my personal computer less than a quarter of that.

They’ve had a change of heart (of sorts) on supporting HTPCs.

Interesting to note that a lot of people who seem to reset their phone weekly (or more often) appear to run Android.

I’d be interested in the best ways to cut down on mail (spam or otherwise) in your inbox caused by idiots who hand out your gmail address as their own.

Unless you’re happy about handing over your transaction details to a third-party (and, even worse if you aren’t using PSD2, your actual banking credentials) then I’d suggest adding your own banks app to that list.

Unless it’s a game, I allow all apps to notify me. As soon as one annoys me it immediately gets blocked. It doesn’t take long to work out which ones are useful and which ones aren’t.

I recently found that deleted calendar appointments were appearing in my ical feed. As such, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just have a marker against the data to indicate whether or not it has been “deleted”.

The 12W adapter (sold separately, sadly) will get your phone to 85% after about 80 minutes of charging. 

Antivirus on a mobile phone makes no sense as all your apps are in their own sandbox. In order for a third-party antivirus to work it would need full unfettered access to everything on the device - which, funnily enough, cannot happen because every app is in a sandbox.