
Not to mention that this has been going on for hundreds of years.

iPhones also showed the 4G symbol for HSPA+ from AT&T and T-Mobile. It’s carrier controlled.

It’s worth noting that analysis on MCC is notoriously unreliable. For example, if I buy a lottery ticket at a supermarket then it’ll probably come under MCC 5411 (supermarkets) rather than MCC 7995 (lottery).

Pick up a used one, soft-mod it (dead simple), attach a USB hard drive to the Wii, install Homebrew Browser and USB Loader GX and then rip all cheap Wii games you buy in second-hand stores directly onto the hard drive. Just make sure you consult Metacritic first to avoid accidentally buying shovelware - as the Wii had

Word of warning, don’t do this if you’re migrating from Gmail to Gmail!

If you run Windows and iTunes then this script will automatically create a playlist which could be considered “one hit wonders” of your own collection.

it seems that gmail caches external requests before you open the message itself, so such trackers are unreliable anyway - they confirm the email gets to the inbox, but don’t guarantee you opened it

The article is talking about an iOS app and you’re recommending a macOS app.

IANAL but I cannot see how Facebook can enforce their terms of service (specifically “You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else”) on a third-party who may not have actually agreed to them in the first place.

The 30-pin dock connector was launched in 2003 and ran for 9 years before being superseded in 2012 by the Lightning connector. The Lightning connector has currently been going for 6 years. That’s 2 connectors in 15 years.

The 30-pin dock connector was launched in 2003 and ran for 9 years before being superseded in 2012 by the Lightning

On the flip side of this, many years ago we went to book a wine tour in San Francisco. The top place on TripAdvisor had a great score and tonnes of positive reviews. However in the past couple of months they’d all become negative but, because of the large volume of previously positive ones, this had not been reflected

The livestream can be viewed using Safari (and only Safari) on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac. If you typically use another browser like Chrome or Firefox, you’ll need to dust off Safari for the occasion.

I’ve not found anything better so far. The fact that there is nothing to install and you can do upgrades by simply running it again is an added bonus - especially when you can use a scheduled task to push a family members machine up to auto-update everything once a month.

If you’re going to clean off bloatware then the easiest thing I find is to download and run Double Driver (it’s free and doesn’t require installation) and backup all your drivers to a USB stick. Once you’ve done that, do a full clean install of Windows (10 will automatically reactivate when you get online). Any

I’m a happy customer of PIA (and a fully paid up BBC licence fee holder) but it’s worth noting that both the Southampton and London PIA servers are blocked from using BBC iPlayer - as I found out when I went on holiday and wanted to let my daughter watch “Hey Duggee”.

I’m a happy customer of PIA (and a fully paid up BBC licence fee holder) but it’s worth noting that both the

Another good reason for a case is to protect it from minor scuffs - which can mean you get significantly better resale value two years later (usually in excess of what you paid for the case in the first place).

Amen to that reading experience.

All the things that interest me in the new speaker are “coming soon”. As such, I’m reluctant to pony up $200 until they prove it by actually shipping those features.

Here in the UK we get 25 days holiday, so it’s pretty easy to have a week skiing, a fortnight summer holiday, the gap between Christmas and New Year and still have a bunch of days for a couple of long weekends throughout the year. However don’t you only get 10 days in the US? If so, how on earth are you able to get

Harrison Ford in “What Lies Beneath” used a hairdryer to remove the condensation from a mirror in the bathroom. I’ve found that one extremely handy in hotel rooms.