Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

That thing is awesome.  ~25hp rear engine air cooler I’m guessing

Obviously this is awful, and I hope everyone involved in the incident recovers fully.

Unfortunately it is costly to get started, you need an office, minimum million and an import warehouse, 1.5 million. Once you’re there though, it’s quick, get all sorts of things quickly.

Well, this won’t actually give you easy money, it just costs them to replace your already paid for car. However, the new import/export mode makes money VERY quickly. I’ve found my earnings go from about 3-400k a day to over a million.

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For those who need to scratch the itch, 4:00:


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Close, for years since I was a teen I always thought of convincing the chief of the audio system of a beach resort to play a medley of all the water levels of Diddy Kong Racing. Those musics were made to be listened on a beach resort!

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Read the headline and immediately though:

Very off topic here: but an open-world Back to the Future game had never occurred to me until I read your comment. Honestly, it sounds like the most amazing idea EVER.

It would be rather amusing if a Youtuber got into character and did “video logs” like Mark Watney did in between their streams.

Should he not?

Something something Danger Zone.

Binge listen to retro-synth as well. Went to Tokyo actually when I was getting into it too. Worked out pretty great walking around those streets listening to Mitch Murder and MN84 etc.

Is it just me or does she kind of look like Rose Byrne?

Calling out the obvious.

“Sorry for passing you on a double yellow, I’d love to help pay for any hospital bills you have oh wait”

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Not my idea, but surprised no one has posted this yet.

Possibly relevant...