Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

On one hand, the fact all that’s built into the car when all it’s going to do is probably leech power and complicate things’ hideously stupid.
On the other, this’ an enclosed 3-wheeler that, price jump for the worthwhile one and sweeping claims aside, looks like it’d be damn fun. Though that photo of the mule has me

I’m following the ship’s unofficial fan page on Facebook, so it’s bleakly funny to see a post on here about it that sums up what they’ve been posting as news developed.
Suddenly the eerie quiet down in the bowels of the ship isn’t so fun, realizing there should be stuff hard at work down there; I swear one of my

All I can think of is that it looks like a 90s Brubaker Box variant that I might nearly careen the DeLorean into when I finally make my way into an alternate universe.

As someone who’s putting way too much thought into jury-rigging an electric bike for my outlandish whims, this isn’t helping by Association Fallacy.

95 under that fittingly beetle-wing back panel, funny enough!
They managed to shove a V8 in there— backwards, if I recall right from the video I first saw of it, and wasn’t already imaginarily babying it among other parts out for electrification.

I discovered the seemingly anachronistic joy that is the Stout Scarab a few hours ago, and naturally immediately started daydreaming of a modernized electric version of it...

Thanks to my dad’s peculiar work locations, I got to have quite a couple of these in Hungary, though I’ll have to admit I’d probably tons more Lángos as the cakes were surprisingly more distant from the rented house— you have to go out to the snack shack outside the Tesco on the outskirts of the town (a surprisingly be

You say “End Times”, but me being me, my immediate thought is, “That’d make for the damnedest bus to take on the San Bernardino — Big Bear route”.
Not that I think Mountain Transit could afford a brand new bus, or the drivers could just as happily flail that around the twisting road despite any possible size


“Also the number of times Lisa has grabbed me and scared the absolute shit out of my while trying to test patches is exhausting. I never get used to it.”

It’s nice to finally hear a second opinion about TDIs — I drive a hand-me-down 2011 Jetta and my mom and I gleed about how nippy it was pre-fix.
When it finally went in to get fixed, I was certainly pissed about how laggy it had become...
Until realizing Sport Mode is how to get most that nippiness back.

It was handy to

I’m running around in a Dieselgate-era Jetta and couldn’t help but enjoy it’s nippy nature pre-fix and still find the Sport Mode handy for navigating LA dipshittery.

On one hand, that’s pretty neat.

The worst part’s that this was reported the same day I went to Raging Waters in LA, and tried not to be too critical about how mellow (and infrequent) the wavemaker was...

I felt so callous checking to make sure no one died after seeing the report back at the house before admitting to myself that yes, that looks a sight

The way I see it, as “Bye Felicia” wasn’t on the rear, there’s no point.

As someone who stumbled upon the LA location, felt the need to stop after seeing their awesome old-school food truck, tried a slice, and love the damned peculiar thing, I did wonder why in the world they — or more specifically after learning through comments, Momofuku’s staff — decided to name it that...

Well, now that

“In addition, the BUGGY’s modular design allows for the composite upper body to be detached from the MEB chassis, opening up a world of possibilities for third-party manufacturers, as the original Meyers Manx kit did for the first buggies.”

Nevermind camo; it’d be glorious to get one intentionally colored like that.

I was shocked how painless the first round I’d had with it was.
Took me a moment to realize they were gently easing me into the grind of things without any other players about to set up the story — and even being strong-armed into a group for the first multiplayer mission was pretty smooth, realization that I’d checked

You’re probably thinking about eating Knickers, which is honestly pretty fucked up.”