Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Aso regarding gunslinger searching:

I can’t help but chuckle about how that statement reminds me of how much time I spent playing the first game, trying to figure out if I was having fun or just being too picky before realizing I just wasn’t used to the way it worked.
Clearly I am now, with how royally pissed I am that the release date’s one day before

Funny enough, I was watching a play-through the other night, heard his voice suddenly strain as he was swinging forward, and figured that was interesting, but possibly a figment of my sleep-addled, caffeine-withdrawn imagination...
It can make you sleepy AND restless, so mangling auditory perception feels like fair

Hilarious enough, my first thought was “oddball hybrid of the Spinner and Slave I”.
The latter’s slight take-off inconvenience meets the former’s relative portability.

Adding this to the massive list of evidence that the pacific northwest (no, no delusion-enabling capitalization) has a serious trash problem that needs to be quickly dealt with...
Sure, social infrastructure will be wobbly for a while since way too many of these shitheels have important jobs while we can see here that a

You just had to write about this in the midst of my second thoughts on getting a rather Thompsonesque corduroy jacket and a Kangol bucket hat on a whim, didn’t you?
Playful picking on your timing aside, it is nice to see someone else’s perspective on the movie and book.

Don’t drug, only drink if it tastes good, and

Realizing I have the Nicer Thing after half-impulse-buying back when Rockstar had to be jackasses and pretend they absolutely couldn’t allow Grand Theft Auto players to transfer data from older consoles anymore — using money I’d saved from the shady school volunteering program that underpaid me, to boot —while a

So that’s what I was missing while I was running around...

Katsu Burger (think good burgers fried like Japanese tonkatsu) was having a deal for their fans, so I’d used it as an excuse to hop on the express bus and run around the city — wasn’t until I was well into the downtown when it finally dawned on me what else was

As someone who had what I thought was a close friend named Marie who convinced me to end things when they weren’t able to understand why I’d want to be around her after my favorite high school teacher’s funeral, the premise made me chuckle.
But that sudden jump to sinister implications about what happened at the end of

Ah, now you’ve done it; making me wax nostalgic on Mercenaries.

Probably the first game to ever dare remind you that maybe fully-destructible environments isn’t so swell after you’ve blasted everything to smithereens.

Now playing

Now I feel like I’m going to have to tinker with my dream DeLorean’s sound module...
Either the first 3 notes of what everyone remembers from the Back to the Future theme as a chime or the easier route:

Trying to think of how hard it’d be to tack on the proper road-legal requirements, finding an engine to swap, and then getting the local government to okay it.
I hear “turbodiesel”, and reflexively look at the Jetta I’m driving right now...
It’s 34.2 inches longer, 8 inches wider, so I’m gloomily doubtful that it’s not

Duuuuude, I’ve got the perfect alternate name for it, just 110 years later...

*Notices Link On Facebook*
“It looks decent from the front, but I can just bet the back’s going to loo —”
*Clicks Through*
“... That’s endearingly ridiculous.”

It took me a writing professor in college to wake me up to the fact that it was a bit of a California thing...
What made no sense is that it was by questioning why I was referring to the part of the I-5 cutting through/under Downtown Seattle as “The Five” when I’m pretty sure that’s the only thing that gives off an

Now playing

I’m a little confused how they missed this one:

My grandmother’s house has a backyard wall that you could hop over to find yourself right next to a main road that eventually forms a T with LAX’s runways around 2 miles away.
I’ve noticed the steady muffled whoosh-and-buzz from the street at night along with the occasional light howl of the Metro rail work an awful

This’ the most whimsically sweet thing I’ve seen in ages...

I’m thinking this’d convince me why I’d want to play the game more than anything else could.
Well, almost anything.

But next time you come across a pair of doughy checks and big eyes, think twice before cooing: who knows what evil lurks beneath.

I’m not much for pickups, the notion of driving unique old cars makes me nervous, and a Manual unique old car just makes me even more so, and I’m not even sure if 6'5 fits into it, but I still rather want one.