Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate
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I love how I come across this right after someone unwittingly helped remind me that I have to go search for the MP3 file I found of this, which I realized would make a perfect alarm...

Well, since you mentioned it:
Mine’s really a wistful groan that translates to, “Me-dammit, why did Shake Shack have to take my favorite away from me?”

Somehow I didn’t notice the stagecoach company’s name before, which makes me glum I’m late to realize Rockstar did a historical in-joke I’d appreciate.

Editing this comment after reading your other article with a top list, I’m wondering how you’re not one of the old In-N-Out faithful who tried Shake Shack and promptly got thrown into depression after realizing they yanked the top spot on your favorites list ThatFast.
Who knew you’d have sentimental value for your

She seems a little interested in staying lonely...

...Aaand I’m sad I had to be reminded what today is, it being my favorite movie/car and all. Well, more sad, since in-between-jobness got to me first.

On one hand, that’s priceless.
On the other, when I saw a let’s-player going through that point and noticed the three words before they went upstairs, I really have to wonder how in the world they didn’t expect the password to be that, Cartman being Cartman.

*Sees Article Title On Facebook Without The Photo*
“Oh for shit’s sake, not another on—”

Beetlejuice is one of the more most unlikely licensed properties to join the Lego Dimensions family,

Oh damn it all, Ms. Alexandra; did you really have to make us dwell on this when I’m gloomy, sick and bed-ridden?

Considering I leapt at a Loot Crate subscription the instant I saw a Yondu tiki mug was being included, I’m sure you could deduce what I certainly didn’t love...

“HAS HE NOT LEARNED A DAMN THI— Oh-right-memory-loss-I-forgot-somebody-yank-it-off-him, hurry.”

It’s bitterly funny that this article pops up shortly after I groused about how my digi-dude couldn’t wear a dress vest and shirt under an old school motorcycler as I often do before wondering what options ladies have, and whether it’s kinda’ Falloutsy with unisex options.

Alright, now I feel like I certainly should’ve made my wisecrack when I had the chance after looking down this list...

Ye gods...

I’m not sure why my subconscious decided to have a growly Seth Rogen narrate “DICK ENGAGED” when it let me quietly read everything else, but hey, it works.

I think a limited edition Pagani Zonda is obscure enough...

You know you have something special when my favorite car is parked next to a Bricklin, and I “Oh, hey!” them before continuing to gape through the rest of the lot...