Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

I love how her first response to her dad walking towards it’s, “Don’t touch it”... It only makes me feel I have even more of a rapport with a little lady going nuts over my favorite car when she worries that her parents will headbutt nice things into oblivion if allowed to get too close, as is a concern with my own.

A Tumbler/Burton Batmobile hybrid?

On one hand, I can see why a tricky sort of multiplayer action like this probably wouldn’t work with the game, as tons of players meeting up on the advertised-to-cuss bajillion planets would mean probably needing a computer coincidentally and suspiciously-appropriately the size of the moon to keep it all working.

Funny you should post this shortly after I began questioning how a certain gonzo journalist could get me so interested in getting behind the wheel of a fire-apple red land yacht...

I’ve seen glimpses of it before, but I never knew he had figure sculptures throughout the house...

Giving the whimsy of the novels, I could see her being obsessed with keeping the kids onboard and not their safety, but I meant it seemed paradoxical for her to not bat an eye at the magical equivalent of an FBI dog jumping a student in the midst of a manhunt...

Of course she is a forgetful centenarian, but hasn’t she technically let them down before, if she’s the train’s full-fledged security?

He just had to score it with “Danger Zone”, to remind me how perfect he’d be, at least visually, for another character that’s rumored to get his own movie...

Half of me’s thinking, “Well yeah, it’s technically a Warner Brothers cartoon”, while the other half’s laughing hard.

“You get to the end, and there’s nothing to do but die.”

Considering I’m the sort of dude who wants a plush of the three-headed creature Mr. Gammell the cover of the third Scary Stories book, you might’ve just helped give me an explanation as to why I’m most curious about her.

In other words, colleges are punishing students for coming to them in droves and driving up costs, since someone saw to it that you’re pretty much forced to get a degree for nearly any job, no matter how irrelevant. And I still can’t see how anyone but colleges would think that’s a great idea.

... Thanks, but suddenly I prefer the gif.

I couldn’t help but think of anything but “wee little bunny rabbits” when I saw the puffy white things zipping through the air after the soldiers...

I love the whimsical touch of them wiping their brow before proceeding to fall out...

You want another well-meaning-but-intimidating skeleton playing Santa? Because that’s how you get one.

All I can think is, “Well, it seems almost certain I'm going to get what I want soon.”

True, but some of the stuff might be too vital/costly to quickly tear out instead of using a more medicinal approach.

I’d heard about this before, and my first thought was to go make my own flag and leave a bottle of one of my favorite sodas.

Depressing that we’re still stuck testing on people for now; we really need to polish all the tech we could be using for the biotechnology equivalent of a dummy for testing.