Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Somehow I’d managed to forget until this article that someway, somehow, there still isn’t such thing as Lego Ian Malcolm figures despite the video game...

Come on; is it not blatantly obvious she’s just a well-disguised demon?

I’m shocked the evolution of a sense of humor wasn’t accounted for -
do have to wonder if the earlier writers didn’t just have Howard Hughes’ flair for crazy projects in mind but also how startlingly deadpan he usually was in manner, hiring a skywriter to draw cartoon boobs in the sky for movie publicity aside.

Now they just need to add an RC feature so you can screw with everyone, especially the security guards at the Lone Pine Mall parking lot early enough in the morning to have them thinking someone spiked their energy drinks...
(Also: I’m still annoyed electric cars don’t make that wonderful whine.)

I can’t help but look at this and go, “Oh, so it’s been a crap time for a bunch of us.”
I’m still trying to figure out if Robin Williams’ death and how 2015 was such a downer are pretty subjective chronic gloom-causers, especially since 2015 was set up as a “something wonderful’s supposed to happen!” year by my

Ye gods, you’re saying that’s just a plain Model T?
I figured they gussied it up some.
As I said when I posted the video on Facebook, it’s certainly not discouraging my ideas of doing a more classic kind of restomod to one of them...

According to Road & Track, the Southern California culinary institution is struggling to stay out of bankruptcy.

I just had to read the article title to think:
Why not have the Bioshock team make a Twilight Zone game?

Sure, it doesn’t have the same audience-grabbing setup as an actual show does, but an interactive show will mean only one viewer’ll make a choice at a time anywho.
I think I remember a Kotaku article lamenting that

I’m not sure if the T-Rex blinking should impress me as much as it does...
I was expecting it to be a puppet with how quick and smooth the movement is.
Makes me strangely yearn for the days when museums weren’t hesitant in the slightest to make thematic things that could send the smaller kid running for cover.

Funny to think that this’ been the only time I got a clear answer to why so many were getting sick on the Forbidden Adventure ride...
Then again, it probably has a lot to do with how the park was trying to keep everything in it as secretive as they could at the start, so outright saying, “Oh, we spun them around a lot”

I already can’t sympathize with an organization charging the price of a decent used car for classes that are being forced on everyone just to get a decent-paying job.
Now that they’re trying to hide something that’s technically their fault, officer idiocy aside, I just wish all these people offering money for

Much as I love my home county, this is a place where a bunch of dipshits in automotive, gasoline, and tire industries were able to buy out a wonderful public transportation system for the sake of encouraging more driving not even a hundred years ago...

If there’s any place that needs a serious environmental overhaul,

Ye gods, it makes me miss the old, true kind of sandbox games that actually let you derail things like this - even if it’s missing the appropriate panicking traffic and fleeing aircraft. I’ve just come to accept that it’s too much of a technical pain to do splintering skyscrapers and huge cascades of sewage

If they get this downpat, I know a place that could use these by the metric cuss-ton...
I’d never have to worry about charging spots when I get an electric car, given the locals understood how handy it’d be to use all the power for such things and liberally season them over the map.

... a top speed of around 93 miles per hour,

That’s a swell idea -
Just a shame that imbuing it with a sense of humor by adding phrases like, “This might hurt” above the infographics for high-calorie items would hurt sales instead of warning people to maybe do an impromptu marathon before the double-fried chips...

I’d found this - and had to clear through it - in the midst of trying to get an archive of the best bud and my, what, 5,000+ messages to each other.

Other fact:
If you do the same and use the ability to download all the information Facebook has to make a makeshift best bud archive, the messages are all chronologically

I’m a little startled that the gist of the comments aren’t something along the likes of, “PORTRAIT ORIENTATION!?!”
Wonder how the screen’s cropped for watching movies - and if the larger screen can bother other passengers in terms of light.

I wish someone with political clout thought the same way I do and realized how this’ the perfect time to force them/Audi to make good on that “Blue Crude” they’ve touted...
And since they have political clout, maybe they could’ve asked if they could have a bottle of it and just carry it around to related meetings to