Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

I’m glad they swapped to the Bond and Mission Impossible themes right afterwards - otherwise I may never have snapped out of my wistful funk.
Usually I’d scoff at the idea of a music box priced at a range I could buy 2 or 3 used cars with, but I don’t have the heart to do so with this.

I saw this a while back on the “Best of Tumblr” Facebook page, and it immediately comes to mind when critics gripe about what he does...
Especially since plenty of people seem to love seeing the idea presented like this, but the instant someone actually makes a job out of having fun, entertaining people, and even

“Well those burgers aren’t going to eat themselves!”
I could fully see myself and a similar-minded buddy just taking one of these to a local burger joint for a laugh.
Though if I did have a similar-minded buddy, chances are my best bud would be sitting in the back, arms folded and scowling, as they would’ve made sure to

Considering the first’s my favorite movie, I was immediately checking to see who beat me to it...
Is it just me or do Part IIs not really count, though?
Or at least they didn’t until every literature adaptation ever clung to them for a profit-grabbing measure...

While I swear I’m seeing an Iguana and a chicken from the frame I stopped the video on (0:32), the only negative I can see about this is that it isn’t formed from nothing but images of lizards, even if the “reptile zoo” was shown much earlier on in the movie, and the “ruined” man’s crazy eyes are hilarious as is...

More bees and...
Well, whatever bug he was.

Less animated, more sugar.

Ah, and now all is right for the tiniest fraction of the world...
And technically the moon, I suppose.
Thanks! :)

Pfft, only that much?
Unless I can see this fellow scoping me back, I’m not buying.

Silliness aside, that’s pretty neat, even if I doubt it’s meant for anyone without the steadiest of hands and the most stable of tripods.
I’d also like to take the time to note that it should be considered a criminal act that the POV shot

I hear him say “Most of these places haven’t been visited; many of them never will be”, and think about how this game might be the ultimate time sink, at least until further notice...
Not to mention how strangely depressing that statement seems despite all the potential for exploration.
Think it’s the first time I’ve

Not quite, old sport; we’ve only lost the culturally “normal” booty.
With a little luck, we may stumble upon some booty fond of using timed explosives as alarm clocks that will be quite keen towards our wonderfully cacophonous, fiery automobile...

I thought the plan also had the 80s plate design in mind, but I guess I misread it...
Suspect they wouldn’t have any trouble getting support for those.
I don’t think it’s hard for anyone to figure out why I want one of those instead of the aforementioned plates, despite how nifty they are...
Unnecessary second hint: I’m

Seeing this’ a lot funnier after watching a video of someone making tie-dye nails simply because you thought it was going to be some silly video of someone making patterns in liquid and it was on your Facebook feed so why not...
It’s like a much more intricate and baffling, and somehow much less messy version of that.

I was wondering when something would aggravate my yearning for an old-fashioned roadster once again...
Unfortch, I’d be all for something that you could daily-drive in Washington traffic, so it’d naturally be impossible to use something so spartan.
Does have me considering the dangers of something like a 1906 Autocar

I think the only thing better than a fez mysteriously floating in from the background is the fact his friend instantly decided to put it on and kept it on until it floated off again...
It's such a perfectly random hat to have in a plane that I might just have to wear one on a commercial flight some time.

You missed a very vital question, "spoilers" be damned...
Do we get to keep It?

Even without the allusion, somehow the name just seems to have a nice 70s sci-fi ring to it...
It'd be a win-win, given the loss of the author didn't turn everything else into losses.

I've been on something similar in Portland - not sure if they are the same mechanically, and they certainly weren't anywhere as willing to race through narrow passages, but I was actually spending a good bit of time watching the second video wondering when the driver was going to spin the boat around, as the rides are

Reminds me of the one time I replied to an asker about how I could've been better during a gloomy day...
Can't even remember the exact reply or if they really truly cared why or were just startled by the response, but I could practically hear the shriek of their train of thought's emergency brakes kicking in after they

Enough said.