Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Now that the obvious "jumping sheep" resemblance's been noted, I can't stop hearing,
"Baaaaah!" *Thump, Thump*

Alright, show of hands:
Who's actually been in Washington?

Because most replies sound more interested in universal lane-splitting allowance, completely enviously unaware of what the typical driving experience here is like.

Not sure if you condone multiposts for each point, so I'll just reply to each in one biggie...

Ah, yet another car that you guys show me and I instantly want...
Even if I'm pretty certain 6'5 couldn't fit into it.
Unfortch, you tell me "electric", and I think, "Oh, well that changes everything", and immediately look to see if there's some way to make it the second-most hilariously/confusingly sprightly older car

I love how this pops up shortly after doing research on the game's backstory...
But no spring-mechanism to exploit anyone's misplaced sense of ease that it's just going to stand there and couldn't possibly lunge at them?

I love that he made a point of arranging them by appearance...
This' simultaneously hilariously fitting for the illustrations of each change to the car and cruel.

Ah, great, now I got to feel like the odd one out for noticing things...
Immediately noticed the scooter swapped with a bike (but didn't notice the pole), and noticed the black van looked odd until I realized it's not a black van anymore...
Feel a bit absent-minded for thinking "Did they smush the damn thing?" until

Unfortunately, Tesla won't tell us how to do it or how it impacts range.

Motherasshole, the thing changed on me mid-scroll...
I was seeing white and gold, rolled a little to see the bottom of the photo and zang, black and blue, and now it won't go back.

Aw, something's finally going to trump the Hercules?
Doesn't help that this' occurring right as the museum in Oregon currently holding it's declaring bankruptcy, though everyone involved keeps doing the "It's going to be fine" chant...

I'm so glad I only had to scroll down a couple comments to confirm that no, I don't have to feel awkward for having that come to mind - being the only 24 year old whose too impatient to sit down and watch the whole thing, however...

Let's just say this mixes my favorite of the family cars, the 80s 325, with one of my least favorite, the shambling 92 BMW wagon I drive to college/work currently and that has upheld my suspicions that wagons just aren't worth the extra space and weight, so it's like seeing the kid of a former best friend and the

I remember seeing one of these in Austria, and thinking it's likely one of the wagons I'd ever bother with...
Now that I've finally gotten a good perspective on what they're like, I'm pretty sure that sentiment's sticking.
I suspect I'd get as mod-happy as I'm planning to get with my dream DeLorean, though...

I'm enjoying the inclusion of a Trabant in the starting chase scene too much...
Especially since it's somehow having no trouble keeping up with whatever wonderfully sporty thing the "hero car" is.
My time in Hungary's made me grow a fascination with them.

I knew I should've rechecked after checking if anyone'd noted this before posting...
Unless they just wanted reasons to snark and didn't want their work already done for them, I'm stumped why they didn't include it.

I feel they're missing someone here...
Not as contemporary, but so appropriate that it's a shame they didn't bother making one anyways.

They took the fun jury-rigged feel out of it, but I do admit twheels are both a nice and clever touch...
Why bother with air-filled tires for a flying car?

After the critical and commercial success of the initial Donkey Kong Country, Nintendo commissioned the fine folks at Rareware to produce two more titles in the series. Over the following few years Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble rounded out the original DKC

I heard that he rode a skateboard around the set, so that's why I wanted to believe this was real so badly...
I could tell something was off about the board and the fact it hadn't been turned into a poster yet, though.

I have to thank you for explaining what in blazes' going on with all these gifs I tried using on a social media site to spice up my snarking...
Realized it was more of video than a gif despite the lousy file type name for it, especially since right clicking on them led to videocentric options, but I was stumped as to