but by mocking Al Gore by having him get hysterical about a half-man half-pig half-bear creature that appears to be imaginary, there was the undeniable implication that global warming wasn’t real.
but by mocking Al Gore by having him get hysterical about a half-man half-pig half-bear creature that appears to be imaginary, there was the undeniable implication that global warming wasn’t real.
They were really unsure about Chef’s parents when they premiered them. But yeah, then they brought them back twice, so nope, no real apology there haha
I love going back and reading old issues of Nintendo Power, The Official Playstation Magazine and Electronic Gaming Monthly.
Bastard doesn’t even have the courage to look you in the eyes.
I thought those questions were more about verifying the player was “mature” enough to play the mildly bawdy game. I think I remember one of the questions being about the movie Love Story or some other 1970s tear-jerker.
...from memory:
“¡Si! ¡Y ahora yo vengo por ti!”
I will proclaim my undying love of this game in the best way I know:
Geez if they add another FF character to Smash it better be Cecil or Terra and no Ifs, Ands, or Butz about it
It isn’t so much the sword that seems out of place, but how he moves around with all that warping crap that seems really unlike a game like Tekken. Obviously it’s early days, and while he is fun to play (if a bit simplistic), some of his gimmicks seem really out of place compared to the rest of the cast.
It’s only a model
Oh baby, just pour that delicious Amano art into my eyeballs.
Yeah, Volume one already has the best one (alongside FFI - V).
Has a complete edition been announced yet?
I mean, he’s cool but rude
Meh. Shit opinion.
And let us not forget Austin Pendleton’s performance as the Public Defender. Sheer genius.