Mr. Sack

Should have gone with “Kick his ass, Sea Bass!”

Another Capcom classic to put on the pile of “Need to Be Revived (Properly)“.  I make sure to remind Capcom every single day that Darkstalkers needs to return.

You stopped listening to Michael Jackson after watching a terrible four-hour easily-debunked documentary? No allegation has ever been proven true, including these guys. You can stop listening to Jackson for any reason whatsoever, that’s your prerogative, but try proving that he is guilty instead of simply believing rum

The two complaints I have about REmake2 are 1) in the second story, it skips from the cinematic straight to the character arriving at the police station’s alternate entrance. I chalk that up to running out of time or something and 2) not enough back and forth between Leon and Claire, they felt much further apart in it

Let’s also remember what comes out in theaters this week, which will likely destroy any momentum Charlie’s Angel had.

Time heals all wounds.

Why bother Capcom with their highly-flawed port of Final Fight? I’m as nostalgic for the SNES as the next guy, but there’s no reason at all to bring that junk out of the past.  The arcade version is readily available on modern consoles.  Instead, have Capcom bring Final Fight 2 and 3 to the Switch since they were

I call the mystery flavor “Liquid Skittles”, though “Voodew” is honestly one of the best name ideas  in a while.

Time heals all wounds?

Darkstalkers seems like the kind of series Capcom should outsource. Bring it back and let the Blazblue/DBFZ people make it.

Shouldn’t have gone into Castle Oblivion! 

The absolute balls of this game to have a fighter named “Scorpion” in a post Mortal Kombat world. Sure, all they have in common is the name, and one might argue the Martial Masters has a better claim to the game since that’s the actual fighting style he’s incorporating, but still, there’s no way anyone could say “my

Change the title to “Hanks for the Memories” and you’ve got yourself a picture!

Maybe that revised origin is just the story he’s giving when first introduced, like he’s too embarrassed to admit to Claire or Marvin about how weak he was, and eventually as the story progresses, he opens up about his vulnerabilities, especially to new love interest Ada?  Obviously just speculation.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Gauntlet.  Any new MST3K is good MST3K for me.

You are correct.  When they recreated the title sequence of the newest Muppet Babies show, I chuckled.

Armstech President Baker: “Meryl’s codec frequency should be on the back of the CD case.

Psycho Mantis is going to look like a sad party magician when he can’t move the controller nor read our memory cards due to the lack of any other Konami titles on the PlayStation Classic.

He’s in the first episode of Season 11 in a single scene.  Honestly found it hilarious, but I understand some people don’t care for Wheaton, Oswalt, or Day.

Turkey Day ‘94 was my introduction to MST3K, having received the channel earlier that year in our cable package and discovering the show while flipping through. I cannot remember EXACTLY what my first episode was, but I know I saw Zombie Nightmare during that marathon since Adam West was hosting it.