Mr. Sack

I loved my time with it, but I cannot say that I love the episodic nature of it, especially with the PS5 on the horizon.  It will be tough, but I’m going to wait for a PS5 collection with all the bonuses and such.  (Plus I’d hate to finish part 1 and have to wait a year for the next!)

Frozen 2? Does that come out this week? Knives out? All I've heard about is Mandalorian

Just Let it Go.

I’ve read the book so many times that the cover fell off, so I was really worried when I kept seeing bad reviews of this film. I went with 4 other people to see it on Saturday, and I LOVED it. I well and truly LOVED. IT.*

Ditto, the Arbiters at the AV club have dictated that the film is a disaster, therefore the sycophants mimic their influencers.

it’s perfectly fine and occasionally great, as usual it’s the echo chamber making it seem like the opinions are way more negative than they actually are

It’s really not.  Watched it with 2 other people and we loved the movie.

Well in a way Vampire was the original anime fighter. So it wouldn’t be a stretch for the gold standard in anime fighters (Arc System Works) to revitalize it. That being said, I doubt it’ll ever happen.

Yes please to them outsourcing it. If they’re not going to use it properly, I’m sure they could make some money and have someone else make really cool games with it. I miss Darkstalker/Vampire Savior.

I’ll always have a fondness for Vampire Savior after being around a friend who goes to EVO and seeing how hyped that community is about it. The grassroots quality makes it really cool plus the game has that hand drawn thing that is lost in a lot of modern fighters. 

Its always good when Capcom remembers they have Darkstalkers outside of any Marvel Vs. Capcom games.

I’m not even an MJ fan, but a seeker of truth...1) the accusations in that mockumentary sound so believable because they’re straight from a book written by a pedo who was associated with NAMBLA and who was sued by MJ and had to pay millions to...2) I’m wondering why the new witch hunt...MJ was investigated by the FBI

I keep waiting for the “rabid” fans to show up defending MJ that accusers keep telling me exist, when all I keep seeing is accusers rabidly attacking anyone who doesn’t believe the alleged victims.

If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then you can possibly imagine.

I’m not being conservative or liberal with it. I’m being factual. People turning their opinion of events into facts of events is something I was hoping would go away with 2018. 

In his last movie he will play the role of Tom Hanks. Coming this summer: See Tom Hanks play Tom Hanks in....”Tom Hanks”.

from The Onion:

First off, the “PC Babies” song was quite enjoyable, nearly as much as the “Colorado Farm” song from “Tegridy Farms.”

So many great turkey days spent watching the boys riff. Even when the show was gone, I would find some eps, or someplace that was running them, and took them in after the inevitable Lions loss.