Mr. Majestyk

I’m not surprised Batman is right-leaning.

Yeah, it’s not as if I begrudge AVClub its progressive politics— Kang shares them! But with the mass exodus of actual writing talent from this site, it seems like AVClub’s new writers, since they possess barely a fraction of the wit and insight of the old staff,  have decided to paper over the gap with an incessant

Check with your Soros appointed handler. They should be able to take care of the shuttle arrangements and also get your direct deposit set up. Please bear with us, we have a lot of paid protesters to pay to protest. Not to mention managing all these crisis actors. Never work with kids folks!

I’ll bring the ruckus.

wow, never really looked at that many pics of Burt sans moustache. (of course I’ve seen Deliverance but it was prob over 20 years ago)
Imho, he could’ve been a pretty good Bond... as you say he can give off a pretty mean vibe, perhaps even cruel, which imho is necessary to play Bond. But still sexy, funny, cool, and

*rants dead away

My comment truly needed yours.  Perfect. 

And don’t forget, the movie basically opens and closes with Christmas music, Run DMC’s “Christmas in Hollis” and Dean Martin’s “Let it Snow” which is played all throughout the Christmas season.

The AV Club

lol what an ironic comment

Imagine what Johnson would think of you for that comment. All over a guy’s opinion on movies.

Even tiny resistance forces don’t promote reckless pricks that get everybody else killed. He got their entire bombing fleet destroyed and then committed treason.

“...a spectacularly horrible moment when Johnson stops the film in its tracks to provide a ruthlessly on-the-nose lesson about economic inequality and the military-industrial complex, and I hate this all the more for the film’s message in this moment being one I passionately agree with - if something has to be artless

Holdo’s story is key to the whole theme of failure in the film- neither she nor Poe make the most optimal decisions and perhaps some of the disaster could have been avoided, but we see why they don’t trust each other and why communication breaks down.

When I was a kid I ended up watching a lot of soap operas and I realized that the AAA comic book titles are soap operas with more extravagant costumes, more violence, and only slightly more ridiculous storylines.

“Also, we’re expected to unilaterally forgive Poe and Finn for getting the entire Rebellion killed because they were insubordinate mansplaining shitbirds.”

As ridiculous as they were, the prequels had an imagination and sense of scale that made sure when clomes and ROTS came out I was really excited to return to the galaxy far far away. TFA couldn’t clear that very low bar. TLJ had a sense of ambition. TFA was a shitty greatest hits CD.

and, frankly, your published film criticism at the time was lacking nuance. yeah i said it!