Ape Tit for $400

You’re demanding peer reviewed research while your evidence consists of blog headlines?

This is what’s lost on Jalopnik editors; nobody actually went off-road in a RAV4. The evolution of the RAV4 is from poseur to practical. And I’d wager the current RAV4 is probably more capable off-road than the first generation was anyway.

I know everyone trashes these, but honestly, if you want a car that can move more stuff, with a kid, and be reliable and affordable, there just aren’t that many non CUV options. My wife’s getting a new one of these for $19,100 this weekend and it comes with all the safety features. It’s ugly as all hell, but she

I see lot of replies here about lock the door.

Yes, I’m more referring to the people that think they can put 91 or 93 octane in a late 80s Tercel or something and get more power.

That’s the point I’m trying to make though. It only matters if the writers tell you it matters, and that would be when it affects the story. If it doesn’t affect the story, then it doesn’t really matter. The audience wanting to know is immaterial. If it doesn’t affect the story, then it’s nothing more than trivia.

Also everyone needs to dump Clinton. Did you see dole/mccaine/romney lingering about bitching they didn’t win. All that happens after a Dem loses a presidential race is they bitch about it for 2 fucking years (Gore,Clinton). To be fair Kerry played it cool and came back as an elder statesman. Mccaine has also somehow

“The Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a lawsuit in federal court on Friday alleging the Trump campaign conspired with WikiLeaks and the Russian government”

I would say at this point, the American way of peacefully passing the reign of control is over. The obvious persistence of the American liberal democrats accepting nothing but their way, their reign, their control is so obvious now that anything democratic about them is out the window. The democratic party has proven

Lol, No you Californians have a funny view of yourselves.

Black tankers are scarier than wooden ones. No one should have a black tanker that can travel 30 semifullyautomtic knots per hour. You only need 1 knot per hour to get where you need to go

Don’t forget the ‘Overhaulin’ dialog. It’s the same on almost everyone of these shows. The terrible cue card reading delivery, with faked enthusiasm and hollow emotion. I get these guys are not actors but cripes at least rehearse a bit. Much cringe.

TLC is so incredibly sad. Their name doesn’t even make sense.

Every American TV channel that’s supposed to be educational or cultural eventually turns to lowest common denominator garbage, and I’ll always consider this show to be the one that broke the Discovery Channel.

Vader: A Star Wars Story, aka Episodes I-VI.

No...It’s her grandfather’s former roommate!

Oh... Imagine that, a Police Agency ignoring a tip.

California has some of the most strict gun laws in the country. I’m open to conversation, but what are your suggestions?

I can clean up those track for you, I just need about tree fiddy...

How fucking dumb do you have to be to buy into a marketing slogan from a piss beer company as something you should yell out as a catch phrase?