Ape Tit for $400

whose already weak reputation for human rights has been shaken even more by the death of Jamal Khashoggi.”

His manifesto directly states that he’s saying hot button stuff to drive a wedge and create a left/right civil war. And you are eagerly embracing and magifying it. You’re doing his work for him. 

Kind of my point above. People might listen to Gerardo sing “Rico Suave” because “Oh my god haha remember this song?”, but they’re not listening because “This is such a great song”.

You want to see your band’s new video? Park yourself in front of the TV for hours of stuff you don’t want to see, and you might get lucky.

You’re not wrong, but I would distinguish between listening to a band in 20 years because they are good, vs listening to them for “Hey remember this, wink!” reasons.

Imagine what people must have expected for the hundreds of millions “donated” to the Clinton Foundation. 

This site doesn’t want the President to be restricted from acting like a king. They want the President to be the king THEY like. I mean, Jesus, it’s only been a little over two years. Not like we can’t remember. 

“But most anti-vaxxers are also Trump supporters.”

So the rule now is that non-Jews should but out and not stand up to antisemitism?

How fucked are you if you get into an accident with a wood-framed car?

You support fake news because you think it hurts a demographic that you don’t like.

Fake news is cool if I don’t like someone’s politics”

And now we know he’s a fake Vietnam vet. Beautiful. 

Doubling down on fake news.

No, not at all. He got in their face, not the other way around. He tried to escalate the situation, not the other way around.


I don’t understand why they make it difficult to search categories. What’s in it for them to annoy the customer?

If you work in customer service industries for long enough, eventually your friends and relatives start to think you are just making shit up.

I’d like to know the average age of the truck drivers. This sounds like something a 17-24 year old would think was funny. If you’re doing this at 35, get a life.

I’m just here for the circular firing squad