Ape Tit for $400
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I never heard of panel gaps being an issue on any car before

It was Lexus’s whole marketing campaign back in the early 90's

Yup, spend some time working service industry, that’ll fix that problem quick.

I have to admit that I enjoyed this film far more than The Phantom Menace.

One example a trend does not make.


“I mean, ffs, this is like, Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky shit. Bill, it does not matter that she came on to you. YOU were the most powerful man in the world. She was a goddamn intern less than half your age! YOU knew better!”

Funny, I’ve been using io9 for maybe around 7-9 years and often travel to the other sites in the network, and since Gawker died and everything got taken over by Univision or whatever there has been a hell of a lot of censorship. It wasn’t as bad at first but it has gradually gotten worse and worse until now where if

But are they backing her up? Declaring your support without offering any additional evidence is something any of us could do.

Do you have reading comprehension issues?

There was no doubt that it was him that she was referring to — three year relationship with someone 20 years her senior who was a podcaster who then ran a platform where she had on-camera work could not be applied to people whom she subsequently dated.

I really dont quite trust her passive aggressive style of vaguely accusing him.

If he’s so abusive to women, why is he still friends with Janet Varney, his long term relationship before Chloe?

i love how you in the press immediately take the face value of a ex gf like that shit isnt vindictive as fuck, with 0 evidence, and accusations of rape and shit, and sabotaged his career with no proof no testimony and no charges, just a social channel to completely fuck over this dude’s life and you succeeded

Who here is treating her like human garbage? I see a lot of “let’s not judge since we don’t know all the facts”, but “this is obviously a witch hunt, she’s a lying monster” is an opinion you don’t see outside of extreme fringe groups.

There was zero ambiguity as to who she was talking about, it’s not exactly You’re So Vain.

She admitted to cheating in her post...

Well good to see China embracing capitalism -in it economy at least. /s

Are you talking about the song or the movie?

Don’t redo it, just use the same one again...

Yea this post is definitely about politics and Trump.