Ape Tit for $400

You have 10000 angry replies to this, but I just wanted to say that I wish GM would stop trying to win Ugliest Car of the Year awards and make something that doesn’t look like what a 70 year old thinks a 30 year old might buy.

Not sure if sarcastic or not. I’m pretty sure Chevy had a goal of 500-700 units per week in 2017 and they ended up only making 200 per week on average. If Tesla is actually making 2,000 per week, that is 10x the production rate Chevy achieved. Also, didn’t Chevy have to shut down the factory because they made too many

The anti-fascists use fascist tactics to fight fascism.

This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.

I didn’t say white female plumrose anemones and then refer to them by a racial slur, so I am pretty sure I am not Root material.

Some divers and salvors think it’s a huge waste for these wrecks to lie at the bottom of the sea, their precious artifacts wasting away.

The Root is a couple click to the right

Stern view of the shipwrecked USS Conestoga (AT-54) colonized with white plumose sea anemones.

If only the remains had been found near Lake Titicaca...

No, i think u don’t get it as well.

You fail to understand that it would be much easier for the USPS to go away then for most blockchain software. Dstibuted ledger technology bro... 

I think you missed the part where blockchain is being used by or planned to be used by Microsoft, BMW, IBM, Walmart, Foxcon, Cisco, Paypal, Huawei. But I guess those are just tiny companies. This could affect things, but it’s not going away.

The problem is that it’s links... The internet is full of links... So goodbye search engines.

Another way to look at it is as a virus. If I download or open a file containing a virus that then starts replicating itself across other clients—am I liable or is the individual who built the virus? If they can find these transactions, then they can determine who the original sender was.

And why does the $300 billion in investment in Bitcoin need to go away because of one stupid, *possible* kiddie porn image? This whole “Won’t someone please think of the children!” nonsense has already gone too far.

And? Users of Bitcoin don’t have to access that one dumb file that MIGHT be underaged porn, just like users of the internet don’t have to access illegal files despite having access to them.

Yeah, you cant make Bitcoin go away. There is nothing that can stop it.

Sorry but most people don’t download the entire blockchain to send transactions. There are plenty of secure ways to do it while only holding on to your private key. Most miners use pools and also don’t download the chain either.

How about fuck the parents who left a gun lying around or maybe even fuck the parents for not teaching the kid to not play with guns. This has nothing to do with the NRA.

How do we know Zuckerberg specifically put a ton of thought into this, versus just “choose what you think are the best photos of me” – no different from how any soon-to-be-wed couple would direct their own photographer?