Ape Tit for $400

Did you also miss the article about former Attorney General Loretta Lynch being investigated for mishandling of the Clinton investigation?

If only we expressed this much outrage when Obama appointed Bruce J. Oreck as ambassador to Finland (a man that gave $500,000 to Obama and doesn’t speak a lick of Finnish), or when the DNC actively tried to torpedo Senator Sanders.

Or perhaps people are sick of the Washington bs and pulled together to elect someone who would fight to put the people back in control and call out the liberal media for what they are.

Yeah! Boo rich people with their being wealthier than me. They must have for sure been behind this design flaw. Trying to murder the poor so they can have all the money to themselves! /s

5) FA used to be a kickass site about military hardware, etc. Now it’s basically another Trump hit piece site that uses the thinnest ties to “National Security” in its articles as an excuse to justify writing them.

How about...

You. You showed up first.

Bha whaweep grahnah weep, ninnybon?

Commercial bee colonies are regenerated each year by professional beekeepers. There is no beepocalypse or crisis. Beekeepers are looking for federal funds to reduce their costs and increase profit, but it’s let them continue unaided. The cost of commercial bees for pollination isn’t that significant. No need for

I can not possibly acuratly describe how fucking stupid you are... take your tin foil hat, pack your shit up, and get the fuck out.

“The Democratic and Republican parties are cults,” explained cult expert Paul Morantz.

Have you seen Jezebel? Do you remember Gawker?

Check the facts. Autopilot is safer than human drivers on the highway. Which is the only place it’s designed for so far.

From a purely utilitarian approach is the beta version of autopilot any less safe than the average driver on the road? Each year human drivers cause 40,000 deaths and 4 million injuries on roads in the USA alone; even if Tesla’s autopilot was twice as safe as the average human driver many people would still consider

I know, right? I wonder how many crashes there were when cruise control was first rolled out en masse? Every new feature in a car is going to have a couple of people who don’t understand it and misuse it. If someone doesn’t know enough about a technology to safely use it, then they should be smart enough to abstain.

I always love the bigoted lefties and their use of “undocumented immigrant”. The Democrats truly believe that all South and Central American counties are so backward that they have no documents. “Does this immigrant have a birth certificate?” “No, I’m a bigoted Liberal and I believe that in Mexico there is no such

since when does a kid thing to put a clock in a suitcase? are you an idiot?

That’s the infuriating thing. I’m convinced the entire matter was a troll job from the outset. And it ended up with it perfectly fitting existing battle lines in the country, so both sides were irrationally insistent on their version.

I’m sure a half broken gun without bullets brought into a school would be considered appropriate and not dangerous as well.

It is in the nature of organizations to use all available tools to achieve their purposes. Because we allow our government this technology, it will be used for every purpose it can be usefully applied to, as well as some that it can’t.