Ape Tit for $400

Removing content you don’t like and calling it “hate speech” is still censorship. It’s always going to be censorship.

Honest question.

Hillary is just as horrifying as Trump...

Two things I really want to know:
1. Is there a daily Trump post quota?
2. Are we ready yet for Lifehacker’s post on how to eliminate all Trump related articles? I’ll install any extension to unseen this Gawker nonsense.

Well, apparently this is ok. I mean Hillary, Colin Powell, and others did it. No one went to jail. Just a few months ago Hillary supporters said it was no big deal. I can’t believe everyone is all upset about it now.

Because they were told not to by the president. What employer would hire someone who does that? I mean, obviously the tree huggers are applauding it in this case but what about in the future when it’s something you’re against?

I’ll go one further, does anyone think they can shitpost from their company twitter about their company or boss and get away with it? Go act like a child at home, not where you’re getting paid to WORK.

Hail to our glorious new leader!

Shh! Gawker doesn’t care about facts!


1. Go tell a guy laying tile about his white privilege and see if you make an ally. So pretty please with sugar on top find a better way to describe Old White Money. 2. Is there any other group where it’s acceptable to make genocide joke? If it was against any other group but whitey you would label it as some form of

No it’s because you liberal assholes won’t let us build nuclear plants even though we have a nice safe mountain range where only 10 people live to put the waste in.

Which is funny when you consider Yoda’s “Do or do not. There is no try” which is also to say Jedi work in absolutes.

“Lied” is a little strong, as is “horrible design.” I always thought they were overly-optimistic about the capability and over-aggressive with the engineering (too many bleeding-edge systems too poorly tested - did they ever find the cause of the 10kHz vibration in the SMEs?) But I always felt NASA management was

Imagine having to take orders from someone wearing that many bracelets.

It dramatically increased the cost of putting men and cargo into space. It was an unsafe, terrible design, built across as many congressional districts as possible to maximize pork. They chose the 4th ranked bidder to build the solid rockets because they needed Utah congressional support, and failure of that system

He was referring to the physical age of an individual tree. A quick check, and yeah. 5000 years seems to be the upper limits that we’re aware of. Still 5000 years old would be more than big enough to producde ridiculous amounts of sap.

Thats nice and all. But what about all that other stuff involved in John Glenn going back to space, George? Why did NASA suddenly change their minds after rejecting his requests for years?

You can. Being able to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine in the liquid is what helped me and many others to quit smoking.